Monday, September 22, 2008


I found a dvd of a talk given by Victoria Boutenko in 2003. It was excellent to watch, made me wish I could do one of her workshops as her story and her message is excellent. I have visited their website, know about their books, know their stories but have never actually read one of their books. Now I really want to, especially her "Twelve Steps to Raw Food", as she talked about how she came up with them, and she really did alot of work and it would seem she really came up with something good, as she had been teaching people how to be raw for 6 years, without much success, but after she came up with the "Twelve Steps to Raw Food" and the realization that cooked food is addictive (and she did alot of research on this subject, addiction and the reasons why cooked food is an addiction) she went from no one to sticking with the program, life change, to practically everyone. Not to mention that her family is now 100% happy and healthy after overcoming serious health issues.

I wish I had a magic wand to show people I know who have serious health issues how good this would be for them....I will have to try and see what I can do to share this information in a positive, non-pushy way that will reach more people. There are so many great materials out there that can be used, as well as my own self. One thing that Victoria said, that I found very helpful, was about the different levels you go through when making this change. If you can get past 2 months, you are over the hump, and should be able to stay raw, when you pass one year...I forget, what exactly, but it's good, and after 5-6 years, there are even more changes as your body desires and needs less and less of heavy foods such as nuts and seeds and is good on just fruits and veggies. I definitely need to get her book. I would love to have my friend Tammy be raw, but hers is a tricky case as she is allergic to practically every food, we tried quinoa this can do. But I know raw would be good for her but I don't have the time to really do it with her, for her....and at this point, really what she needs to be on is a juice feast....will have to think on that. Between her juicer and my juicer....her's is faster, mine gives a drier pulp. And we don't have enough fridge space to store alot of extra produce and running to the store everyday is possible, but will take organization...but I must look into this as I know this is what she needs. Her doctor, is a Naturopathic doctor, but still, only knows what he knows, and is prescribing Diflucan for people with Candida. That is not good!!!

So.......hmmm...will have to think on this. And maybe consult with David and Katrina Rainoshek.
At work, gotta go...wish I had time to write more indepth on everything!!!

ciao bellas!

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