Thursday, September 18, 2008


My post title can be read as three separate items or all on thing, as candida definitely does change everything, but this post is also about candida, changes and everything else! I made another wonderful green smoothie this morning, this time remembering that I had some wonderful mostly seedless organic concord grapes which I bought last week at the Farmer's Market........they made a wonderful addition to my smoothie which again contains a ton of parsley and kale along with the grapes, 2 ripe bananas medium sized, and some kefir. I added the kefir because I realized I needed it. I can tell that my overall candida levels are rising, my phlegmy cough is coming back, my detachment and overall issues that I have, and that is not good. I also just read a very good article talking about candida and belly fat, and the role that it plays and it was a yes, that is so I have this nice pillow of belly fat that is stubbornly hanging on, as well as an addiction to carbs.

Last night after kickboxing I was a bit hungry, but instead of a salad of which I'd had none that day, I excused myself on that front with the reasoning that I'd had a green smoothie that morning so I'd had enough greens, and I gave into my carb cravings and had some cereal instead. And had indigestion all night. On top of this our neighbor's car alarm went off at 3 am waking up both my husband and I and we didn't fall back to sleep for over 2 hours. We didn't acknowledge this fact to each other but I am sure he knew I was awake, as I knew he was. I just don't like to be talked to at times like this as I go into a relaxed meditative state if I can't sleep, and talking is not as restful. And I often have great thoughts. Such as last night. I thought up a new protocol for dealing with my intense one which involves taking 50 drops of liquid GSE with a bit of stevia first thing in the morning, preferably around 6 am, then at 6:30 taking some Primal Defense and raw garlic, then at 7:30 taking some fiber, maybe with some clay water, and then later at work, having my green E3Live BrainOn/MSM drink and my green smoothie, and taking 4 Oregano oil capsules 3 times per day, as well as fiber twice more during the day and also not eating refined carbs such as cold cereals or sweets and also having lots of kefir. I know this sounds like overkill, but trust me, with Candida, there is no such thing. I have heard various things about Candida and not believed them, but now I am starting to. As I have realized, it does get used to the things we use to kill it off, and dang, then what do you do?

My friend Tammy is going to a Naturopathic doctor, and while she was there she was talking with another patient who mentioned that they were being treated for Candida, but they are being given Diflucan. This surprised me, and makes me feel like this doctor doesn't know much about Candida and are blase' about the negative affects of Diflucan which is hard on your liver. Not to mention that it is only very temporarily effective against Candida...and I am curious what else they are doing for the Candida, as Diflucan alone is not an answer.....just killing it off is not enough, starving it is not enough, it is hardier than cockroaches or bedbugs as I starved mine for over 6 years and it is still thriving (granted, I fed it greatly when I stopped starving it).

But how do you tame the beast once it has come inside? Is there any way? The Biamonte Center seems to think they have a system, and they sound very convincing, like they know, really know, what they are doing, and it does not involve pharmaceutical poisons. I need to talk to them more. I've emailed them a bit, but always hesitate because of the cost.

So....overall, except for the cereal, which was good organic not that sweet, cereal, I ate well yesterday. Today, I am eating my green smoothie very slowly, as either it is very filling or I am not very hungry. As I woke up late due to the sleepless night, I didn't have time to put my new intensive plan into action, so I just took 4 oregano oil capsules before leaving the house and some gse tablets, and brought the gse tablets with me to work. Need to get organized with this new plan.

Have an awesome day and an awesome weekend!

Ciao bellas!

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