Sunday, September 30, 2012

Conscious Evolution Proceeding at the Speed of Light

Just imagine a floodgate in your mind , with many things washed up against it, ideas, events, situations, creations, everything that you have been wanting, have been waiting for, have been looking for, and then imagine that floodgate opening and everything rushing out all at once.  That is what it feels like is happening now that I have put events into motion, the bits and pieces are all coming at once, the connections, the information, the people, the events, and it is awesome and amazing.  Little bits big bits all of the bits and pieces I have been seeking, and they have been there all along, I just didn't let them come in.  And now that I am inviting them in, they are all just flooding into my life and it's like Christmas every single day!  It is amazing.

I am going to participate in the Soulful Women Certificate Program, I am taking a web design course so I can properly rework the RMPJC website, I have found a possible new picture for it, but they might find it a bit too new age...but I find it awesome and visionary.  I met a real life young beautiful amazing goddess today, she is a visionary artist and creates beautiful art, and from looking at the work on her website I can see she has grown to be a most amazing artist...her work is so deep so awesome so beautiful full of archtypes and symbols and meanings.....and through her website I became aware of The Conscious Alliance who does work with the Pine Ridge Reservation, and I also have another Inuition Zone course from Aine Belton for the can't pass it up price of $77, which I am going to do, and then 3 colonics for only $99 which I am also going to do, I was going to pass that one up until I remembered I;d googled the place and the woman who owns/runs this place is amazingly awesome I just have to meet her, visit her, partake of her services so I am going to do that also, and then I signed up for a domain name, website with Bluehost as a part of the web design course that I signed up for, and I started one website and downloaded WordPress to it, but then got stuck, hopefully tomorrow I will figure out how to proceed further but if I don't the web course will get me on track.

So.....a wonderful fall weekend.....couldn't ask for better weather...and I truly, could not ask for a better husband, he is so wonderfully loving.  And he and the guys got together last night to play music at our house and it was good........I love it that my husband is a musician and that I really like his music and his friends.....  so....I have been very high raw...I created this awesome dish based on a recipe for an autumn squash soup with pear and vanilla...mine had apples and nutmeg and vindaloo curry spice and since the recipe called for a bit of cream, I just added some coconut butter and oh my is soooo good....the taste to me is like fettucine alfredo only better....and the very thinly sliced rings of onion are like the noodles....a yummy pasta free vegan dish.  I am making another variation of it tonight....probably need to add some onion in for flavor but I also have a small spagetti squash that I cut in lengthwise quarters and have sitting on top of the butternut squash cubes cooking in the water and apple cider....fresh raw unpasteurized organic apple cider....yum.   And then of course there is chicken in the oven......but I am going to start cooking more yummy vegan meals.

I had Chipotle for lunch...just the fajita veggies in a bowl, no meat, beans or dairy but I had some fresh salsa, some corn salsa, some of the hot salsa, some guacamole and some lettuce.  Mixed that all up it;'s like a salad and so yum and I ate that with some white corn chips they have.  Very good food.  I don't feel like I have to be 100% raw when I am eating such healthy foods.  And I made over a quart of green juice today, drank most of it and will have the rest tomorrow.

That's all for now, I hope it's not too disjointed

ciao bellas~!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Moving Right Along

Okay, so still 100% raw.  But more importantly, I had the talk with my husband Wed evening, and it went well.  I had him read this blog starting with  9/23 Being A Raw Tigress...up through the Wed blog post...and he is totally in support of me doing this!  (Which I knew he would be...he has always wanted more for me).  He is concerned that the program might not do all that I want/need/believe it will we still need to have some more discussion about it before he's completely onboard.  We have agreed to do this on Sunday instead of our usual hike, so we might go out and take a walk, but it will be a walk with a specific purpose.   I have to get my thoughts and facts together before then....mmmmm

But I have gotten the withdrawal from my 401k put into motion, I have gotten some spanish dvd's a Pimsleur program, need to start listening to them...maybe copy them onto my computer and then upload them to my phone....and I have signed up for a webdesign class.  All things on my action list.

Must say, that I am a bit scared, and starting to feel the usual resistance, fear, etc....but I am not letting it rule the day, I am looking at it, seeing it for what it is and seeing if there is anything behind it that needs addressing, and then moving on.  I will have to keep doing this for a while, as I know I have alot of fear to move through....but I am doing it!  Putting things into motion so that I have to take the next step....and it's good.  I know I can do it!

My raw diet has been pretty boring and unchanging, not that I dont like it but I have no yummy food creations to tell you about.  I have been having green smoothies, bananas, apples, almonds, mixed greens salads with grape tomatoes, red bell pepper and shredded carrots on them, sometimes with avocado, and last night I also had more pesto with loads of garlic... I love it and just eat it with a spoon.  I am sick and it is helping.  Also just really like it.  And had a few extra pine nuts as well.  I love pine nuts they are so yummy.

So today so far it has been green smoothie really loaded up on the mixed greens, a banana, some almonds...I may go out and get another salad....we shall see...with this cold whatever my appetite is somewhat reduced.

So...what am I doing...what do I need to do?  I need to get online and do the web designing course, but my password isn't working for some I am waiting to hear back from them....I was able to get into it yesterday...and I have all of this free time today...I really want to get working on something.  I am going to setup a website for RawTigress as my sample site to play around with.  Should be lots of fun.  And then I really have to get to work on the RMPJC website..actually I need to get that into motion now.

So I've got work to do!

Right now!

ciao bellas!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Re-creating My Life!

I am still 100% raw, still have not had a miracle morning (last night I seriously was awake all night long...) I had the Ginseng tea.yesterday...and it kept me from sleeping.  It also made me hyper and irritable today, much like having a decongestant and eating dark chocolate does, luckily not too much so....

As I sit here at my desk in my office I am not looking forward to the talk I need to have with my husband tonight about committing to spending $2000 on the Soulful Women Certificate Program, money which I am going to withdraw from my 401k, yet knowing that I must.  I must talk to him about it and I must do it.

I feel like a tiger in a cage.  I do not belong spirit has been so wounded by this lack of action on my part...of taking charge of my life....but I have been preparing for this moment all of my life, and feel that now, the motivation, the pain is strong enough, the understanding of what it will take and the knowledge that I can do it....I know I can.....even if I have never done it before, I can because I must because I know that if I don't, I will become a sad, bitter, dry, husk of an old woman, and it would be such a waste.  It already has been.  The waiting has made me all that much more a coal that has turned into a diamond that is me.......I am a diamond in the rough...and now for some polishing so I can sparkle and shine!

So...feeling fearful and excited and oh so hopeful, my spirit is actually paying attention now....daring to hope, so much wanting to be all that I truly am.  I have denied myself for so long...........cannot deny myself anymore.  I feel this on such a deep brings me to tears if I let myself really feel it.  I can see there will be many tears up ahead, but they will be tears of joy, of healing, of happiness.

so that's all for today.....not eating a whole lot...have a bit of a cold....which being 100% raw really helps with, it doesn't really manifest many symptoms, just feel tired....but it's also irritated sinuses caused by a certain indulgence........which I won't give up.  But I do limit it so that it is an optimal experience and not just a habit. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Being A Soulful Raw Tigress!

I am quite excited, yet a bit scared at the same time...but then isn't that what you are supposed to do?  Do something that makes you a bit scared....push yourself a bit?  I applied to participate in the Soulful Women Certificate Program.....actually I don't know if they are offering the whole program, or just a taste, and I imagine at some point they are going to say, we accept you into the program, it costs X dollars....and at that point I will really be in a tough spot.  I don't see my husband agreeing to spend X dollars, for understandable reasons, and while I could put it on a credit card....I really don't want to do that either.  I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

The application was really quite detailed, they asked alot of questions, for which my blog post of my new vision/path was most helpful......and it is just such synchronicity for it all to happen now.....the river was flowing, the pendulum was swinging and I just jumped on board........

I have yet to do my miracle morning...afraid I still have some excuses.....I was too tired (I was....) it was too cold in the house,  I will do it while I lie here in bed.  lol.  okay!

But I worked a long time last night filling out this application and that has done plenty to get me thinking and rev me up....and Ryan Eliason's Social Entrepreneur webcast yesterday about doubling  your time and income was very inspiring...challenging and I have created a 12 month timeline for......leaving my job!

This definitely entails participating in the Soulful Women Certificate Program. 

OCT NOV DEC - Be Do Grow Believe Dream Create ie keep on doing more of what I am doing

JAN FEB ~ Be Do Grow Believe Celebrate Dream Create some more!

MAR APR ~ WORK WILL PREDOMINATE ( I work for Tax Accountants)

MAY ~ VACATION Going camping in Utah

JUNE JULY ~ Work half time......

AUG ~ Give notice

SEPT 1st ~ BE GONE!!!

The very idea of this excites me so much!!!  I am going to get a calendar much like the one Ryan uses and mark out my days......out line my plans.......

This is all so wild and exhilarating..............and today is day 4? of being 100% raw....yesterday I ate 2 bananas, some almonds, 2 apples, nearly a quart of green smoothie, a salad with romaine and mixed greens, red bell pepper, carrots and some grape home after work I had another banana I think and then made some pesto with lots of garlic and ate that.  I only had about 1/3 the basil I normally use, so it wasn't that large of an amount...and I also ate a 3-4 tablespoons of pine nuts.  I love pine nuts they are so good!  And that was it....after 4 days of doing this I have lost 5 pounds!  Yee ha!

And my mood is oh so good and happy.... I am also taking Chanca Piedra to keep my kidneys stone free (as I did eat chocolate yesterday, forgot to mention that bit....I really should not have, but I wanted more energy so I had 4 dark chocolate nuggets with almond bits in them.....a good kick!)  Today for more energy I am having some Ginseng Royal Vitality tea from Yogi gives good energy.  I want to get some Maca Force from Heath Naturals....or whoever that is...I really like maca.  When I first tried it I didn't as my body needed to go through some adjustments with it and it didn't feel great at first...a bit too much, but after my body adjusted (I think some imbalances got corrected) it just makes me feel really good!

And I took 2 B-100 capsules and 5 little yummy chewable B-12 tablets from Source Naturals.....figured some extra B-12 couldn't hurt.

So....I tend to eat pretty much the same thing from day to day...I plan on having another salad for lunch, with avocado this I brought an avocado to add to the salad I get at Alfalfa's salad bar, I love it that you don't have to wonder if any of their stuff is all is!  And I brought my own salad dressing that I love ..Lucini's Delicate Cucumber and Shallot dressing...I love it because it is about the only salad dressing that is not made with soy or canola oil.  I do not ingest soy or canola if I can help it. work...nothing going on.....watching tutorials on building WP websites so I can do this one for the RMPJC that I need to do......with a little help from a real web designer....


ciao bellas!

ps  Found out what the X is....have decided how to get the money and put that into motion.  Doing this feels scary but not doing it feels depressing.  Leap of Faith!!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Being a Raw Tigress- Day 2

I am reading a new book "Wheat Belly" about the effects of modern day wheat on people's health and waistlines, apparently wheat has been modified so much it has this substance in it (don't remember if it's a protein or what) but apparently it causes blood sugars to rise even more than sugar, a candy bar, etc. and causes a whole host of other issues.  The author is a doctor and has done his research as well as has improved the lives of hundreds of people by having them remove wheat from their diet.  They lose weight, their irritable bowel, migraines, heart conditions, you name it, they all improve dramatically.

When you eat wheat, it breaks down into polypetides that cross the blood-brain barrier...which is not something that most things can do....and it creates endorphins that hit the same spot in the brain as heroin, and for some, can be a serious addiction.  The same drug that is used to block heroin (naxalone) blocks the effect of wheat in the brain.  Studies have shown that schizophrenic patients do much better when wheat is removed from their diets.  They have fewer hallucinations, hear fewer voices, generally are greatly improved. more wheat for me, and I am planning a wheat free week for my family.  Maybe that will help my son lose those last 10-20 pounds he needs to lose.  He has lost 10, he needs to lose a few more.

I am doing well and feeling well eat 100% raw and my weight is going down daily, I am down 1.5 pounds from just yesterday, which is a new recent low...and hopefully it will go lower.  I would love to lose my "wheat baby", ie pregnant look, which is where all my extra weight goes.  Just the other day, I gave this homeless man some food I had on me (a bag of these cool new natural chips and a container of organic raspberries...)  I was feeling all good about myself, and then he asks me about my baby..when it's due..
I am 57 years old people!  I am not having any more babies!!  I know he didn't mean anything by it but it rather soured the experience for me...however I do hope he enjoyed the food I gave him.

So, yesterday we took a great hike, not quite as strenuous as the last one, but still a good hike, but I was having issues with breathing...I really need to try using an inhaler before I go out, but I am hoping with being 100% raw I don't need one...but my lungs have candida in them and I react strongly to molds, and I think with all the fall decay, there must be more mold in the I had to stop and catch my breath a fair bit...but it felt good to my legs....they need the workout.  I don't usually use an inhaler, haven't been diagnosed with asthma, but I do have dad had it, my sister has it, my son has it.....but mostly mine does not bother me.  That is another thing wheat can cause, exercise induced asthma.  I would like to get my son off of wheat and see if he notices a difference as it really interferes with his kickboxing which he loves, and also makes it difficult for him to run, esp outside.

I did not get any stretching in before bed, and I did not do my miracle morning this morning, I was up too late, and also with yesterday's hike, just really needed that extra hour of sleep...but excuses.  I brought a quart of green smoothie to work, 2 bananas, 2 local org. apples and I have org non-pasteurized almonds in my drawer.  If  I need to I will go out and get a salad.  And tonight I will make my green juice.  Some for tonight and also some for tomorrow.  It's best for me to make it the night before as it takes a bit of time and space that I do not have in the mornings.

I reread yesterday's vision....and am working on the action aspects as well as fleshing it out a bit more.  I see I wrote that  I am a high priestess who honors all goddess/women oriented traditions....Social Empowerment for Women,  I have started a Center for Becoming,  but I don't have any action plans for that....will definitely start working on that...maybe by re-reading the story of Iananna...I love that story.  Will also have to figure out what a Center for Becoming is all about.  Such fun adventures ahead!!

Ciao bellas for now!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Being a Raw Tigress

At the risk of living largely, I am most excited about my life right now.....I am envisioneering my future, miracling my mornings, have green juice and green smoothies daily, have a morning plan and an evening plan and will envision everything in between...
I realized whilst I was musing on this that I had a solid 2 year may take me 5 years to do it but I am envisioning it as a 2 yr plan and have written it out.  This is it:

We (Liam & I & Desert Sky) will be living in a gorgeous adobe house with 20 acres of land, in or around Sedona or Santa Fe.  Liam will no longer be a professor he will be pursuing his music, enjoying his music and I will be bringing in the big bucks...because I have become my highest self, a raw wheatfree vegan, artiste with a website, who teaches classes, writes books, knows enough about web design to get around, who gives workshops and seminars and hosts a women's circle.....I am a high priestess who honors all goddess/women oriented traditions....Social Empowerment for Women,  I have started a Center for Becoming, ...we always sponsor women who are working towards empowerment, who choose empowerment but could use a little help.

Naiche is in school in Ft. Lewis or wherever is best for him to be...

Dakota is still in school, now living on his own...doing very well

Maja is doing very well, he has finished his game and is finally making money with it...he is neither rich nor poor but very happy   he has his cafe....and has alot of friends and support as he is being his highest self.

I am 100% raw wheatfree vegan....I am slim, trim, energetic and look 40 not 60....I am fully manifesting my being through creativity, community, humor, writing, speaking, teaching, relaxing, traveling, combining all of the above....

I stretch/do yoga twice daily
I hike at least once a week and take daily walks in nature
I am an artist, a catalyst, a designer/creator of my life....outrageously wonderful in my awesome wisdom and compassion.....I am a Social Entrepreneur of the highest order...I have a strong vision that I nurture daily, it is a living vision continually changing and becoming ever more beautiful and powerful....I am having fun every day, I love my life and my warm circle of friends

I am an exquisite raw chef, I make one most excellent all out raw meal per week, I keep myself well supplied with the universe's best flax crackers.  I do a vision quest every equinox, my life is full of spirituality, I attend sweatlodges regularly, I have the freedom to daydream and create....I am an artiste

My body is vibrant, healthy, muscular and strong....I do regular colon, liver, kidney cleanses....not sure about engimas or cohydro but we shall see where I go...

So what is needed to bring all of this into being is I take a weekend to do a vision quest asap,
I take classes/learn about web design so I am proficient enough for my needs, I live a raw, wheat-free vegan
lifestyle, I practice envisioneering every day as part of my miracle morning, my miracle life,. I stretch/do yoga 10 minutes every am & pm, with Liam, I have green juice & green smoothies practically every day, I take classes/ practice conversation & become fluent in Spanish.  I practice creating/making exquisite raw recipes, preparing one elaborate raw meal per week, I take weekly hikes and daily walks in nature, do daily stretching or yoga,  am taking Spanish classes and web design classes....have a bi-weekly women's circle, 

I have a space of my own, even if it's a moving space for now,

I allow my spiritual self to awaken, I nourish and feed it, I participate in sweatlodges and other spiritual events of all persuasions that I am drawn to, Goddess, Buddhist, Native, Pantheistic, I work on my chakras and responding to all beings and situations with loving compassion, utmost kindness.

I have crystals, incense, music, musical instruments, a warm circle of friends,  I am in tune with the Universe.

So to become all of that I have to follow certain disciplines, such as eating 100% raw vegan, which I am doing, took a great hike today, wrote out my Biggest Dream, planned out what I need to make it all happen, and then mapped out the start.......tonight I was going to do 10 minutes of cleaning and 10 minutes of yoga and go to bed, (it's 10:47 pm) but I set the timer for 10 min, started cleaning, and kept resetting the timer until I had cleaned for over an hour.  Then I stopped, and the kitchen and surrounding area look good....the recycling and newspapers are out, the dishes are done and put away, dinner is put away, counters are clean, clutter is gone, the room is looking good.  I plan on cleaning at least 10 minutes every evening.  Then I did this...wrote out my dream....and rewrote it for a bit of stretching and it's off to bed!

I already have my morning planned out.....I am getting up at 5 am and doing yoga/stretching for 10 min, envisioneering my life for 10 min, doing affirmations for 10 min, envisioneer the rest of my day for 10 min and pick up/clean the house for 10 min.

At 6am-6:15 I will make my green smoothie, water the plants, get dressed, get my lunch together,  do a bit of misc and leave for work at 7:17am.

This is my vision statement and I will read it/revisit it/ live it daily.