Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I am really starting to get the hang of this raw business....really becoming quite addicted to it. Every day is interesting...I wake up thinking I am feeling crabby, not going to have a good day, but then I go on to have an awesome day. That happened to me again today...I was hungry probably truly hungry before I went to sleep last night, but it was late (after midnight) and I didn't want to get up, I had just thoroughly cleaned my teeth, so I didn't want to eat for that reason either, so I just lay on my stomach and eventually fell asleep. When I woke up I was feeling crabby and blue, but I think my blood sugar was just low, because after I got some yummy smoothie into me, I was fine. I even went and worked out today.....first time this year....as I have been doing mainly juices and smoothies and trying to make raw foods....just doing other things....but today I know I needed to do it. And it was good. I did 2 hours ....20 minutes of the stairmaster, 30 minutes on the treadmill and 25 minutes on the stationary bike. I usually do all that plus arm weights of different types and swim 10 laps...but I didn't have the 3.5 hours that that usually takes (along with a bit of time in the whirlpool, sauna, and steamroom plus a shower....) I brought along juice and water...and even made my own version of a lara bar incase I needed serious sustenance...which I didn't.....

I am surprised at how relatively little I am eating right now..and how lightly...I don't really like very many nuts or complex dishes.... I got a food dehydrator...but not all that into using it....though I do want to make some flax crackers. So far I have made pizza crusts, which are sitting in a container in my fridge, and onion rings...which are okay..my 14 yr old really likes them... and hope to make flax crackers tonight, if I can tear myself away from the computer. I am also making a raw lasagne tonight...hope the tomato sauce is good I put some cooked peppers and onions in it....that probably was a mistake.... I also have some mushrooms I want to marinate and made a large batch of raw almond hummus....half of which is in my freezer. I have been buying raw fruits and veggies like crazy....just went out and bought more bananas (these are actually ripe...yum) some collard greens to make wraps. some meyer lemons (not organic but the organic lemons were knobby and seemed to be mostly peel) some celery, carrots, and more garlic. I feel like I am just burning up our budget buying all of this food....but maybe I can stop for a while...coast on what I've got in the house....

I wrote the following tonight...which I hope you enjoy....it felt good to me to write it. This is what eating raw brings....more clarity......loving the consciousness that comes with being 100% raw.

It's All So Easy, It's All So Hard

Years ago I wrote a poem about how it is all so easy and it is all so hard...and that is just the plain truth of it all. It is easy to eat 100% raw foods and even easy to instigate change in our lives, but when we get out there to that point beyond which we have never gone before, all of a sudden it feels like it is all so hard......which is an illusion if you think about it.....it is really all just an illusion as to how hard it is to do new and different things, because it isn't hard to do them, it's just hard to get our minds/emotions around them, as they are like latex molds....they want to keep their old shape/patterns and resist being stretched beyond a certain point, and that resistance digs in it's heels once it realizes real change is in the wind. Why is that? I really am not sure, but like those sensations in my stomach that I used to think were hunger until I recognized them for what they are (detox/cleansing) what is going on isn't necessarily what you think it is.....I am at that point now...having been all raw for 6 days....and loving it....but I can feel those little gremlins stirring....unrest is in the air....but I am prepared this time...I know those gremlins are creatures that usually are asleep...functioning on autopilot, only waking up when they realize the autopilot has been turned off and the soul/heart/mind is awakening.....they fear that....why do we fear being awake? Once we stay awake long enough to see what it's really like.......it's awesome...you don't have to fly on the edge for this to happen...just wake up and actually direct your life, be in charge of your destiny...it only gets better....or so I'm told....so I see when others awaken......this time it's going to be me and I invite you to come along..

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