Thursday, August 18, 2011


I am very excited about my life right now........which is how I always am when I am at the beginning of anything...which is how we all are....the thing is, to keep it going when it gets old.  I am not so very good at that, Gemini that I am....however, I have a plan on how to deal with that as that is....keep the beginners mind...and also keep things doing new things, trying new things...learning new things.....and keeping my dream, my goal, my vision of my life in front of me, in the front of my mind.  I've had 2 good days...still not 100% raw, but very good days overall.....yesterday I had only 3 small squares of the organic dark chocolate, my awesome green smoothie with the NuDe (nutrient dense) powder added, some grapes, some crackers (only a few...Back to Nature), almonds, then I went home and had one piece of toasted sprouted grain bread with half of a very yummy avocado on it, with mayo and some Mrs. Dashes Chipotle seasoning sprinkled on top.  We went out to the Farmers Market and I had one yummy vegan spicy tamale with spicy vegan green chile sauce....very good...but I think it made me tired a bit...corn.  hmmm

Then later on at home having a late dinner with the family, of salmon and fresh awesome corn on the cob I had just a nibble of the salmon and 1 1/2 ears of corn with butter and salt.  yum.

Just before bed I ate 2 heel (end) pieces of the sprouted grain bread toasted with some coconut butter (the kind that uses all of the coconut), stevia powder and cinnamon on them.  Yum Yum.

Then I brushed my teeth and went to bed......have lost a bit of weight...don't have a ton to lose....10 pounds would be good, 20 would be really good...and 30 is maybe more than I need to lose, maybe not.  While I am into the weight loss....don't like this bit of flab around my middle, I am more into the energy and the natural high of eating raw....that is the reallllly good part.

I got Sarma Melgailis's book, Living Raw Food, at the library and read a bit of it last night.  I really like her take on it all, and love it that she is not letting herself be bound by labels....she will eat meat if she wants...but she prefers to eat mainly a raw vegan diet.  But she allows herself options...and she is into the quality of the food.....and how good it is for she has a good little article about soy, refers to canola oil as an industrial oil, which it is...not good for consumption, and gives us the dirt on the new 'pasteurization' of  almonds...they use this chemical......which is a carcinogen....shit.  I don't think I can afford to buy the imported truly raw almonds, and while I am closer to CA than many people, I am not close enough to be able to try and do some back of the shed deals with almond growers.  However, I do know some people in CA who may be able to hook me up...but dang.  What to do.....some things you just can't worry about???  More on this in the future...need to do some research.

Also got my New Mediterranean Diet Cookbook...looks very good, but I kept falling asleep while trying to read it.......will have time over the weekend...taking Friday and Monday off...and my hubby will be out of my time will be mostly all mine!!! love that.   And that is when I will do the 4 day juice fast.  Not because he is gone, but  because I will have the time!

ciao bellas!

Also, Joe Cross of the movie "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead"  which is so awesome by the way and Netflix has it as an instant watch it!  He has a    Join The Reboot  and you can sign up and be in community with others who are doing juice fasts, and get advice, support, etc.  I signed up...I like connecting with others....esp others who are into the whole raw and juicing thing...and I love giving advice.....and alot of these people are new to the whole juice and raw foods thing and appreciate what I share..other places people already know I am just one of many......just another cog in the wheel....I like helping people learn how to be truly healthy....and stay out of the doctors office... 3rd leading cause of death in the US?  Medical treatment.  Need I say more?

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