Monday, September 26, 2011


Today was another successful raw day.  Not 100% but 95 or higher.  I had a green smoothie for breakfast, some raw almonds for snack, a banana or two, some raw almond butter straight off the fork, a fruit smoothie made with banana, kiwi, orange and my almond milk.....then I got a salad of mixed greens that had some sliced hard boiled egg on it (like 3 slices), and some grated cheddar cheese and came with a bleu cheese dressing.....the not so raw part, but other than that and a few altoids I was 100% raw.  Dinner tonight was another fruit smoothie...same as earlier....and that was enough.  I will be going to bed soon......and need no more food.  I also took some chanca piedra today and 6 Primal Defense tablets.....after drinking the raw smoothie for dinner I felt very tired and lay down and slept for about an hour.  I was worried that the fruit was going to be an issue for my body, and was wondering if that is why I was feeling so tired....but this was more of a detox kind of tired....and while I lay mostly asleep I could feel things relaxing and letting go in my body, could feel passages open up and head and down my it was good.  When I went out to pick up my son from his kick boxing dojo I left a bit early and made a stop at the local store that need not be named....I was wanting more bananas, kiwi and some strawberries, and was happy to see they had some decent heads of romaine also, so I got 2 of those, and some avocadoes.....and found yacon syrup.  I have been wanting to try it since I cannot do concentrated sugars has a mild molasses like flavor....will use it in my next batch of almond milk which I will make tomorrow.  I was going to make green juices for tomorrow....but am still feeling tired....will make those maybe tomorrow night and just do smoothies again in the morning.  All in all it was a good day.  So happy that I am staying raw and staying away from bread.  Will work on the salad part...except it's one of my favorites and they sell it for a very good price....can easily skip the grated cheese....often take it out....but I like the boiled egg.  And the bleu cheese dressing.  sigh.  But no worries......all in good time....

time to go up to bed and read.....kitty has to come up too.....he likes it sometimes.....wondering how much reading I will be able to do before I fall asleep....not enough....

bon soir et bons reves
ciao bellas!

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