Wednesday, September 28, 2011


What is the plan for the rest of my day?  I am feeling tired.....not just kidney issues I realized but my throat is still bothering me...had white spots on it last isn't strep...but it is hanging around in the shadows...more salt water gargling is needed.  Today I have had my green smoothie and my fruit smoothie, and a few almonds...fewer than other days......not sure what I will do this evening......make juice, have a salad or ?  A salad sounds good....with garlic. 

We had a lunch seminar at our office today and I ordered lunch...sandwiches from a good shop....meat and veggie...but I was only slightly tempted....still hanging on to wanting to keep this good raw space.  So I had a bit of spinach salad...may have eaten a few bacon and cheese molecules but avoided them as much as possible without worrying about it too was good but there wasn't much it wasn't much.

Getting reinforcement for creating the life of my dreams......need to spend more time dreaming.....working on keep the good love vibe going for everyone in every matter what.  Yes!  Conscious creation.  Listening to more of the Hicks and also got a great e-book about Conscious Creation...

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