Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Today is the 9th day of my juice feast....I am one seventh of the way through it.....having really good days....yesterday was a bit bleah not much but a bit, but that was partially because I juiced some of the dandelions from our yard (we never spray it) and they have much more of a kick than commercial dandelion greens from the store.  I passed a good sized poop this morning with obvious cleansing from the liver...I inspected (of course) and one side of the poop sausage was a light tan color.....and I was definitely feeling 'liverish' yesterday.  I had one bottle of it left which I drank today...I am going to do this again, and also give some to Liam and Dakota...will have to time Dakota's right...a Sunday would be a good day for him I think so he won't be crabby at school, Trans or around friends.

I gave him some apple juice with organic tangerine peel in it....but I don't know if it did anything..I am going to make him another juice with, parsley, dandelion and the tangerine peel...that should do it.

Liam should have some also.  I have been having alot of young coconut is sooo good.  And a quick and easy drink...doesn't require an hour of juicing.  Tomorrow I am going to take all of the young coco meat out of the ones I drank (I have been saving them in the fridge) and make a yummy pudding.  I am glad the weather turned cold for a few days as I am running out of fridge space and can keep them in the sunroom.  I brought the tomato and basil plants back into the house it is getting so cold, esp at night.

So still doing the juice feast....have been cheating a bit with raw I made a raw cheesecake which is yum...and had a small piece....and ate some raw cashew butter.....but I am not going to do any of that tomorrow...that is the road to ruin.  I am determined to do this successfully, to keep this is too good of a thing to stop now....I don't want to waste what progress I have accumulated....I want to add to it.  I want to do this for the full 9 weeks....63 days....I have 52 days left...which is so I love the number 52 and also 51....and I love the energy and tuned in-ness that I's great! I plan on keeping it...I am learning so much...and have sooo sooo much more to to study some of it.....practice practice practice.

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