Sunday, September 30, 2012

Conscious Evolution Proceeding at the Speed of Light

Just imagine a floodgate in your mind , with many things washed up against it, ideas, events, situations, creations, everything that you have been wanting, have been waiting for, have been looking for, and then imagine that floodgate opening and everything rushing out all at once.  That is what it feels like is happening now that I have put events into motion, the bits and pieces are all coming at once, the connections, the information, the people, the events, and it is awesome and amazing.  Little bits big bits all of the bits and pieces I have been seeking, and they have been there all along, I just didn't let them come in.  And now that I am inviting them in, they are all just flooding into my life and it's like Christmas every single day!  It is amazing.

I am going to participate in the Soulful Women Certificate Program, I am taking a web design course so I can properly rework the RMPJC website, I have found a possible new picture for it, but they might find it a bit too new age...but I find it awesome and visionary.  I met a real life young beautiful amazing goddess today, she is a visionary artist and creates beautiful art, and from looking at the work on her website I can see she has grown to be a most amazing artist...her work is so deep so awesome so beautiful full of archtypes and symbols and meanings.....and through her website I became aware of The Conscious Alliance who does work with the Pine Ridge Reservation, and I also have another Inuition Zone course from Aine Belton for the can't pass it up price of $77, which I am going to do, and then 3 colonics for only $99 which I am also going to do, I was going to pass that one up until I remembered I;d googled the place and the woman who owns/runs this place is amazingly awesome I just have to meet her, visit her, partake of her services so I am going to do that also, and then I signed up for a domain name, website with Bluehost as a part of the web design course that I signed up for, and I started one website and downloaded WordPress to it, but then got stuck, hopefully tomorrow I will figure out how to proceed further but if I don't the web course will get me on track.

So.....a wonderful fall weekend.....couldn't ask for better weather...and I truly, could not ask for a better husband, he is so wonderfully loving.  And he and the guys got together last night to play music at our house and it was good........I love it that my husband is a musician and that I really like his music and his friends.....  so....I have been very high raw...I created this awesome dish based on a recipe for an autumn squash soup with pear and vanilla...mine had apples and nutmeg and vindaloo curry spice and since the recipe called for a bit of cream, I just added some coconut butter and oh my is soooo good....the taste to me is like fettucine alfredo only better....and the very thinly sliced rings of onion are like the noodles....a yummy pasta free vegan dish.  I am making another variation of it tonight....probably need to add some onion in for flavor but I also have a small spagetti squash that I cut in lengthwise quarters and have sitting on top of the butternut squash cubes cooking in the water and apple cider....fresh raw unpasteurized organic apple cider....yum.   And then of course there is chicken in the oven......but I am going to start cooking more yummy vegan meals.

I had Chipotle for lunch...just the fajita veggies in a bowl, no meat, beans or dairy but I had some fresh salsa, some corn salsa, some of the hot salsa, some guacamole and some lettuce.  Mixed that all up it;'s like a salad and so yum and I ate that with some white corn chips they have.  Very good food.  I don't feel like I have to be 100% raw when I am eating such healthy foods.  And I made over a quart of green juice today, drank most of it and will have the rest tomorrow.

That's all for now, I hope it's not too disjointed

ciao bellas~!

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