Sunday, September 23, 2012

Being a Raw Tigress

At the risk of living largely, I am most excited about my life right now.....I am envisioneering my future, miracling my mornings, have green juice and green smoothies daily, have a morning plan and an evening plan and will envision everything in between...
I realized whilst I was musing on this that I had a solid 2 year may take me 5 years to do it but I am envisioning it as a 2 yr plan and have written it out.  This is it:

We (Liam & I & Desert Sky) will be living in a gorgeous adobe house with 20 acres of land, in or around Sedona or Santa Fe.  Liam will no longer be a professor he will be pursuing his music, enjoying his music and I will be bringing in the big bucks...because I have become my highest self, a raw wheatfree vegan, artiste with a website, who teaches classes, writes books, knows enough about web design to get around, who gives workshops and seminars and hosts a women's circle.....I am a high priestess who honors all goddess/women oriented traditions....Social Empowerment for Women,  I have started a Center for Becoming, ...we always sponsor women who are working towards empowerment, who choose empowerment but could use a little help.

Naiche is in school in Ft. Lewis or wherever is best for him to be...

Dakota is still in school, now living on his own...doing very well

Maja is doing very well, he has finished his game and is finally making money with it...he is neither rich nor poor but very happy   he has his cafe....and has alot of friends and support as he is being his highest self.

I am 100% raw wheatfree vegan....I am slim, trim, energetic and look 40 not 60....I am fully manifesting my being through creativity, community, humor, writing, speaking, teaching, relaxing, traveling, combining all of the above....

I stretch/do yoga twice daily
I hike at least once a week and take daily walks in nature
I am an artist, a catalyst, a designer/creator of my life....outrageously wonderful in my awesome wisdom and compassion.....I am a Social Entrepreneur of the highest order...I have a strong vision that I nurture daily, it is a living vision continually changing and becoming ever more beautiful and powerful....I am having fun every day, I love my life and my warm circle of friends

I am an exquisite raw chef, I make one most excellent all out raw meal per week, I keep myself well supplied with the universe's best flax crackers.  I do a vision quest every equinox, my life is full of spirituality, I attend sweatlodges regularly, I have the freedom to daydream and create....I am an artiste

My body is vibrant, healthy, muscular and strong....I do regular colon, liver, kidney cleanses....not sure about engimas or cohydro but we shall see where I go...

So what is needed to bring all of this into being is I take a weekend to do a vision quest asap,
I take classes/learn about web design so I am proficient enough for my needs, I live a raw, wheat-free vegan
lifestyle, I practice envisioneering every day as part of my miracle morning, my miracle life,. I stretch/do yoga 10 minutes every am & pm, with Liam, I have green juice & green smoothies practically every day, I take classes/ practice conversation & become fluent in Spanish.  I practice creating/making exquisite raw recipes, preparing one elaborate raw meal per week, I take weekly hikes and daily walks in nature, do daily stretching or yoga,  am taking Spanish classes and web design classes....have a bi-weekly women's circle, 

I have a space of my own, even if it's a moving space for now,

I allow my spiritual self to awaken, I nourish and feed it, I participate in sweatlodges and other spiritual events of all persuasions that I am drawn to, Goddess, Buddhist, Native, Pantheistic, I work on my chakras and responding to all beings and situations with loving compassion, utmost kindness.

I have crystals, incense, music, musical instruments, a warm circle of friends,  I am in tune with the Universe.

So to become all of that I have to follow certain disciplines, such as eating 100% raw vegan, which I am doing, took a great hike today, wrote out my Biggest Dream, planned out what I need to make it all happen, and then mapped out the start.......tonight I was going to do 10 minutes of cleaning and 10 minutes of yoga and go to bed, (it's 10:47 pm) but I set the timer for 10 min, started cleaning, and kept resetting the timer until I had cleaned for over an hour.  Then I stopped, and the kitchen and surrounding area look good....the recycling and newspapers are out, the dishes are done and put away, dinner is put away, counters are clean, clutter is gone, the room is looking good.  I plan on cleaning at least 10 minutes every evening.  Then I did this...wrote out my dream....and rewrote it for a bit of stretching and it's off to bed!

I already have my morning planned out.....I am getting up at 5 am and doing yoga/stretching for 10 min, envisioneering my life for 10 min, doing affirmations for 10 min, envisioneer the rest of my day for 10 min and pick up/clean the house for 10 min.

At 6am-6:15 I will make my green smoothie, water the plants, get dressed, get my lunch together,  do a bit of misc and leave for work at 7:17am.

This is my vision statement and I will read it/revisit it/ live it daily.

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