Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 3/109

hmmm...have had some nice little bm's......and feeling and looking good....on day 3. I made a quart of orange/grapefruit juice this morning, had a quart of carrot/apple juice I made last night, and a quart of thawed green juice during the day, then came home and ate some coconut oil...with a bit of stevia powder...while it's not juice, I don't consider it really eating, but I don't think I am going to make a habit of it either. Did a bit too much food tasting while making dinner, even with spitting it out and rinsing my mouth out with just was not a good thing. I did not actually 'eat', but I feel a bit like I stomach doesn't seem to have noticed, but my body did. It's amazing how such a tiny amount of cooked food which did get absorbed has such an effect. I feel down...I lost my vibrant look. It will be back tomorrow, as this was indeed a very minor, tiny, transgression, but I am going to be much stricter with's hard to cook for your family and not at least taste what you are cooking...I need to know if it has enough salt, enough flavor...etc. But I think I will just have to go on faith and memory from now on.

I have got a spot on the global juice feasting's great to interact with others who are juice feasting the same time you are....2 people even started the same day I did. We are all determined to do a full juice feast.

My frozen juices are o.k......not great, but okay at least for palatability....the freezing process does tend to make them a bit wierd....they separate out....but my body feels fine with them, and I do have fresh juice each day...of varying amounts. I think this is a good it really makes my week much easier...makes it much easier to stay on juice as generally juice is readily available.

So......on I go......and I have lost weight.....I forget my starting weight but I appear to have lost at least 3.5 pounds if not 5.5 pounds. My goal is 10 pounds per month. One I think I will easily attain. So looking forward to having my body back this summer....I hate having a fat really ages one...and it is so bothersome to me, as otherwise I really don't look my age.
Looking forward to turning back the clock.

Time to go make some juice!

Ciao bellas!

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