Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Today is starting out well, I made 2 quarts of green juice this morning, although I am afraid of one of them, haven't even tasted it yet.  One is a quart of straight romaine juice which I love and drank right up.  The other is a bit of romaine juice with a full bunch of parsley, a full bunch of dandelion greens and a few carrots.  And that's it.  (Update...the juice was tooo strong...and sat I dumped it...should have put it in the fridge to finish later, next time I will)  I have had the romaine juice, 4 plums, some raw almond butter straight off the fork, some water and a few raw almonds...and of course, some dark organic chocolate.  It is 3pm...and I am thinking about trying the other juice...need something...and I have 1 plum left.  I may or may not go to the gym tonight....don't want to mess up my husband's 'fucking' schedule....oh I know that is bad....but my libido is in the toilet and his bad sinus breath doesn't help either.  And the fact that we have a schedule...but then, what's a poor man to do if he has to take all of the initiative.  ah yes.  Can you tell I am so looking forward to this?  sigh.  Won't even go into this story...but he is about the nicest guy you'd ever that's not it at all....just....oh nevermind.  tmi.

So I can tell I have to do some serious thinking and planning to get around myself once I leave work...this evening.  What should I eat?  The banana nectarine smoothie was really great last night, but too sweet...I was tired feeling and looking this morning.  It didn't set off the's more related to my distressed liver.  Still in need of healing.  So....not sure if I should have one of those..with it's a green smoothie...that might balance it out and make it okay to my system...but is it what I want/need?  Will have to ponder that one.........

Determined to do this right......and again...getting all of the right emails in my inbox...Evelyn Lim of Abundance Tapestry sent out the perfect one yesterday........about Fear of Success..

Here is the link...hopefully I inserted it correctly.

So, have been all raw today, except for my organic dark chocolate...went to the gym, had a great workout...lots of energy, felt and still feels really's that raw high...gotta love it.  I did 20 min on the stair stepper, leg machine, 2 different arm machines, and an hour on the treadmill at a very fast pace, then 3 hot steamy sessions in the steam room, with cold showers in between....then another cold shower in the locker room, wash hair, etc....I always do cold showers after the steam room because they do feel so good, and also so I don't leave there looking like a lobster.  I get really red in the steam room as I make it really it!

Came home and so far have just eaten some small red tomatoes...not sure what else I will eat...but I don't want to eat the sprouted grain bread anymore.....bought some more romaine and some avocados to ripen and tomorrow I will make more yummy romaine juice!

ciao bellas!

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