Tuesday, August 23, 2011


So here it is, the usual self-sabotage.....not keeping in touch with my self, and, my ego/mind is just running over me, because I am letting it.  Time to go deep and see what the heck is going on...

Today I brought to work a quart of green juice that I made on Sunday, and didn't try and drink it until around 3pm, after it had been out at room temp all day.  Air conditioned room temp, but still room temp.  Needless to say, it was not good anymore.  At the beginning of the day I had water and a bit of fresh romaine juice from 2 small heads of romaine...it was delish.  At work I had a couple of plums, some almonds, some organic dark chocolate, more almonds, another plum, water, some bites of raw almond butter, then I made a drink out of raw Perfect Food from Garden of Life and some colostrum I have...and a teaspoon of maca.  That was good and fueled me through my gym workout.  Then I came home around 8pm, made a smoothie with ripe bananas and nectarines and water.  Very yum.  Had about 16 oz.  Then I had 2 pieces of toasted sprouted grain bread with mayo and tomato from our garden.  Then I cooked chicken for the boys, and ate some.  yah.  And I baked some steak fries for them and had some of those.  Now I have a stomach ache.  And a soul ache. So time to go upstairs and go inwards and figure out the way forward....what is going on here.  This is not what I want.

I am a raw goddess.......but some part of me is rebelling........the usual part....this time...it will be resolved.  I am no longer willing to live this.

Tomorrow will be a juice and smoothie day.  I bought more romaine to juice and have dandelion greens, parsley, kale, celery, cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, another chiogga beet, and lots of fruit to make smoothies with.  Juice in the day, smoothies for the evening.

And now, I have some work to do......

ciao bellas!

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