Sunday, August 21, 2011


Woke up around 8am....and was 1.5 pounds down from yesterday.  hmmm...good.  Washed my face, got dressed, let the cat out, and sat out in the morning sun for 20 minutes.  Then came in and started making juice.  First I had to clean my juicer as I didn't clean or use it after yesterday morning.  I did it the fast and easy way by pouring a half gallon of warm water through it while running it, and then ran a carrot through to get out any remaining stale bits.  And ready to go.  I started by juicing the usual bunch of parsley, dandelion greens and kale, I plan on making alot of juice this morning to see me through the entire day.  Yesterday I didn't have time to do that, (and there was the stinky juice debacle) and when I got back to the house in the mid-afternoon, I did the fun thing, the easy thing, and made the cantelope dream.  Not exactly juice, but it was raw and it was liquid.  But it was also sweet enough for my candida to raise up like the devil, smiling, and thanking me for the sugar, while my leg lesion itched and the fissures on my feet widened.  I even got one in the thick part of my sole near my toes.   That is mean.  I don't understand this except I do know what makes it happen.....and this latest torture started with the nasty juice to which I added lots of carrots and apples to try and tame it.  No such luck with that, and all those sugars....sigh.  But it could be worse....time to go buy more spackle.

After the parsley, dandelion and kale, I juiced 2 cucumbers, and dumped it all into a giant glass measuring cup (thank you pampered chef) and made some romaine juice which I am drinking by itself...I love straight romaine juice.  I have 3 large heads of romaine and I just may juice them all as I want some in the main juice but I also want to just drink some.  They need to do celebrity ads with romaine makes me think of milk (only way better) and it is much better for you.  Romaine does a body good!

You have to have organic, really good organic romaine for it to really taste like milk...and I know that sounds like huh?  no way, but when it sits in mouth on my feels/tastes to me much like milk...only better.  '

I am drinking it out of a champagne is as good as champagne, as good as gold.  I love glasses and dishes...especially smaller versions or unusual versions....I saw these great French juice glasses...that were small, smaller and smallest.  I am craving them....I want to buy them though we have no room in our cupboard for them....time to make some room!  And I saw these cool espresso cups with saucers that I love ...especially that they come with saucers.  And I like japanese ceramic bowls.....the traditional not the commercial....have a fair number....but with a houseful of boys to men.....sigh.  Actually they don't break all that much stuff, but with my special dishes....any is too much.  But dang if I didn't break one of my favorite japanese bowls the other day.  ooh la la la.....hah! 

So, decided to add some chiogga beet to my green drink.....very pretty beet...reminds me of a radish...just like turnips...they ain't anything but white radishes.  Don't really care for radishes, though they are good for you.  Good vermifuges.......some time I will tell you my daikon radish story.

So...chiogga beets....where did they come from, what are they?  They are an Italian heirloom beet.....
The chioggia beet came from the Italian coastal town of Chioggia, near Venice. It's been around since the early 19th-century. It tastes just like regular purple beets, maybe a little sweeter. The skin is a hot pink/fuchsia color, and when sliced open, the inside has beautiful pink and white stripes. Like any other beet, it can be prepared the same way; steamed, sauteed, roasted, and pickled. The greens are also edible. Sadly, the beautiful stripes fade when the beet is cooked.

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