Or really this mornings dream....most good dreams happen in the morning...this dream had a lot of things in it, pretty much everything that I have been dealing with.....my first memory of the dream is finding out that my 'mother' has moved my bedroom. It is now a large open room as in open on one side...only 3 walls, that has been painted a nice shade of bright orange and saffron.....I am upset because it is not 'my' room, it is new and unfamiliar and I have no privacy. The room is at the end of a street....an urban main street...like a downtown street....of a large city.....not alot of traffic and the like....more people...cars aren't in this dream...as I reflect...it feels to me like a San Francisco street....more alternative types....as I am trying to come to terms with this new space....various things happen.....I find a young streetwise man in my closet...turns out it is where he usually meets people to do a deal....drug deal...I think this is my latent interest in smoking pot....getting high...I still like to do it everynow and then but don't actively seek it out.....later I am walking down the street....and I pass by two women who look to be in their early 60's...in good shape and as I pass them one asks the other "Is this a raw day" and the other replies "No....its' too...something don't remember exactly what she said...but today was not going to be an all raw day",......as I am walking around I am getting used to the idea of this new space being my space...where I live...and think. "a bicycle would be good to have", and then at some point I am in this new space, and I notice the colors...the orange and saffron and think that even if my mother didn't ask me about this change, that at least she painted it in colors that she thought I would like (and I did like)...and I am back in the space and a large group of people stop by...dressed kind of in an India Indian fashion even though they are not Indian...more ashram types...and one of the women...older definitely in her 60's wants some tea and she asks me if I have any ...xyz tea...and I can't make out what exactly she is saying...so I ask her to say it again, and again I can understand everything except the type of tea she wants...we do this about three times and she gives up....these people feel like they are taking over my space a bit, as if it is their space also, as if they were the previous owners, possibly still own it....and they have children with them who are climbing up a rope lattice ladder type thing up onto a wooden platform which is next to my space..and I worry that they might fall....but they seem capable and there is a young man who is watching over them..helping them..so it's okay....and then I am trying to find something to wear, in a closet of clothes that are familiar yet not...and my17 yr old son comes in the dream and he is looking in this large mirror in the room complaining that it makes him look fat, and I look at myself in the mirror and I think the same thing....
this is all so very telling about so many things...things which I will go into later but I have to go...just wanted to get this down...will be back later...a very cool dream...
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