Monday, August 25, 2008

Raw Tigress Day Two

Today started with a lovely evacuation, today's weight 187. Been there done that, won't start purring til I get into the 170's. The lovely evacuation was aided by 2 capsules of Ultra Colon Cleanse, my favorite herbal "digestion stimulator". It works well to move things along. So that was a fairly immediate event upon awakening, not an urgency, just there. It is my normal pattern with or without herbal assistance.

My eyes have been itching quite a bit these past 24 hours, it has been fairly breezy around here, and this morning they were itching quite a bit again, so I took some Bi Yan Pian and some Pe Min Kan Wan, both chinese herbal combos which help quite a bit with allergies. The Bi Yan Pian also helps with sinus congestion in the forehead area, while the Pe Min Kan Wan helps with nasal and cheek area congestion and even infection. I've had great success with it. Also took a tablespoon of bee pollen which is local and does help with itchy eyes but not so much today.

Made my MasterCleanse drink....may do it all week. We shall see. It's easy, quick, effective and good for you. This one had a touch of lime in it as I barely had enough lemons etc. to make my 2 quarts. Added the cayenne and maca and off to work I went. I have E3 Live at work which I will add in as mine at home was all frozen.

Just had my E3 Live, MSM, BrainOn cocktail...I put a fair amount of E3Live along with a heaping teaspoon of MSM and a good shake of BrainOn flakes in a glass of water along with some stevia and it is good! And good for me!! The MSM is very bitter and has cayenne so the stevia helps with that alot. Then I also added E3Live to my Master Cleanse drink. So good for me!

A little later I took my fiber drink...didn't do it first thing at home as all that sexy loving has left me a bit irritated in me parts, so needed to take some Primal Defense and some Uva Ursi capsules to get everything all happy again, so needed to wait doing the fiber drink. Also had another evacuation mid-morning. Happy to say goodbye to it all.

I must admit I did cheat a bit yesterday, had to taste the muffin batter to make sure it was good as I had never made the receipe before and as I always do, I made changes. Doubled the amount of zucchini, added curry powder and cinnamon as well as pure almond extract and instead of the brown sugar the receipe called for I used half agave nectar and have maple syrup. And then of course as I was making the muffins I had to keep checking the batter to make sure it was still good. However, I was spitting it out and rinsing my mouth each time but I am sure I ingested some. This was not my main transgression though. The biggie was the slice (albeit small) of the chocolate decadence cake we bought for my son's birthday party. His birthday is in July, the 4th to be exact, and not a good time to try and schedule a birthday party, so as he still wanted one, we had it this weekend. I would opt to have one for him every weekend. He invited 2 friends over and they entertained themselves for over 24 hours.

Getting my wonderful fasting high............the tigress does love being high, naturally.

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