Day Five started out well but ended with chocolate cake. What can I say, I love chocolate. So weight loss stalled at 184 but I had an awesome Day cheating!!! And today's weight is 182.5. I have upped my maca and cayenne in my drink........first to 1/2 teaspoon each and today is 3/4 teaspoon each. I really noticed the cayenne (with only 1/4 teaspoon) when I first made it, but now, with the increases, I am used to it and it really doesn't seem like more, except I do get the hiccups if I drink it too fast. I don't mind hiccups. They are like sneezes. In moderation I like them.......and I don't usually do either nonstop.
I did have one little hitch in my day yesterday which is that the E3Live I used was the Mint and it has agave nectar in it, not a lot, but some, and agave nectar for some reason makes me feel like a truck ran over me after I have some. All tired and bleah. So my energy is not what I think it should be considering I went over 24 hours without anything except the Master Cleanse drink and some watermelon juice. Last night I juiced some watermelon we had in the fridge that was needing to be eaten. It was very good and my boys had some too. Will juice the rest of it tonight. I can't wait for tomorrow. Farmer's Market and my first kickboxing class. Actually it isn't a's a meet the instructor see what you think session....but I think I will like it. I think Naiche will too. The instructor seems nice (I've only spoken with him over the telephone...).
I think I need to take fiber more than once a would be a good thing. Not much to say today.....tired, need to drink my juice......make my E3Live drink...I have just a bit left of the regular. Wish my other didn't have any agave nectar in it, but maybe they will send me a new one...will see. Need to order some more today anyways.
Have a wonderful weekend, I may or maynot break my fast....probably will as there are peaches and nectarines out there calling my name, but I like the progress I have made so far, and it is much easier to go on than to stop and start again.
Ciao bellas!