I am always quite the sceptic about new things. When I first heard about candida I said, "oh yeah, that's just another thing they say people get" even though I had been dealing with it for over 6 years. It took major thrush on my tongue after a New Year's champagne fest to turn that lightbulb on. And when I first heard about bovine colostrum while working in a vitamin store my first thoughts were "yuck! colostrum from cows.....just what we so do not need...." until I tried it, and found that it was indeed awesome. (Gave me energy, got rid of knee pains and clicking, and more) and now superfoods. While I didn't doubt superfoods all that much, I still wasn't all that convinced that they were as 'super' as they were being touted. But I tried them, and I like them!! Still don't know about goji berries....their flavor is bland/sweet and I am not sure what they are supposed to do for you...and I do have some...and have used some....but for now...eh...goji berries. And I tried maca, and it just made me feel bad.
However, I recently invested in some E3Live, some BrainOn freezedried flakes (or however they are processed) and their Renew Me MSM Emerald Blend, and I must say I am feeling better. And then I started adding maca to my Master Cleanse drink, and while my system still gets a bit overwhelmed by it, I can also tell it is making me feel better. The proof? It's a Saturday morning and I was up at 6am and not feeling all groggy and achy and also, last night I threw a handful of walnuts, pinenuts, currents and cacao nibs in my food processor and blended them up into a delicious mix and ate some, and today I feel good. Sometimes such things overwhelm my body which is sensitive to sweets. Interesting. So while I realize this is just my experience and maybe doesn't really give you anything solid to go by, I wanted to share it.
The biggest thing I have gotten from these superfoods however, is the ability to stay raw. After fasting since last Sunday, I started eating a bit last night, had some chocolate hemp bliss (I realize it is not raw, but I figure at least it's healthy, delicious and liquid). Then I also had some coconut milk to which I added some packets of Amazing Grass brand GreenSuperFood chocolate drink powder, which is truly wonderful, and later a small salad of mixed greens, yummy fresh garden tomato and some fresh grated Parmegiano Reggiano cheese. That was it til I made my nut,current,chocolate treat. And it was good, and enough and I know I can stay raw. I am so happy with this knowing. I don't feel like I am "trying" to be raw, but that I AM RAW. I have no or very few cravings. No desire for cooked foods. This is so wonderful.