Friday, October 5, 2012

du Chat Noir

As a Tigress, I have a dark side that I affectionately refer to as le Chat Noir.  And yesterday, le Chat Noir came to visit.  I like le Chat Noir sometimes, but yesterday, le Chat was a real brat.  Went into a panic because things are changing.............and just ate and ate all day............sweets and dark chocolate and fruit and corn pudding and guacamole and carrot cake.....lots of it........and the belly grew  but there is hope as the scale only showed a half pound gain.  Today, even though I went into the fog again (even as I'd just said I wasn't going to) today is very different.  I recognized that yesterday I was all emotionally discombobulated, panicking, and I knew why, and I just let it be.  And when I woke up again I was fine....more than fine......oh.  There was a large sky of blue outside my windows but now, its a blanket of soft fuzzy gray with snow on the trees green and golden's a gorgeous scene.  I have to go and take a look at the mountains....see what's happening over there......I love it that we have such awesome views from our windows...........ah, just a thick low hanging blanket of clouds.....and I just realized that now that the wall between the two offices across the way,  has been taken down, with the door open and the shades up, (ie whenever the room is not in use) I have a marvelous view of the foothills and flatirons.  Yippee!

And yippee, the kitchen in our office is going to be painted a lovely shade of lavender, lilac, light purple with a hint of is going to be very pretty.  I wanted the wall by my desk to be painted that same color, but it just wouldn't look right....unless they painted all the walls up front that color which I know they wouldn't want to do......I would though.....

Okay, so we have a real autumn day here, we got about a half inch of snow maybe an inch, overnight, but since everything was warm, very little of it stuck to the ground, and now I think it's all melted....but the sky is overcast, and it's chilly and damp out, we turned our furnace on....a good day to have a hot cup of tea, bowl of soup, sit and read or write.....just a nice day.

So........what is on my action list....what do I need to work on my rawtigress website some pressure there the rmpjc website is being moved....nothing you can do there right now anyways....once it's moved I can change the theme.............but for now, I just need to become familiar with website design.  So that's the next step, plus I need to get Dakota to help me download/copy the Spanish cd/dvd's........this weekend....and take a nice long walk outside, and stretch and do yoga, and make lentil vegetable soup....and we have to go to the Farmer's Market and pick up our newly sharpened chef's knife
and I need to send a list of my favorite raw websites, stories, films etc. to Nick.

So au revoir, Chat Noir....I leave you for now.

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