It has been 10 days since my last post. I am still moving forward with my plans, still working on web design, on becoming my witchy goddess wild wise woman self, and my Soulful Women Certificate Course starts next Wednesday. And I have been dealing with the fear and self-sabotage that has caused. It has not been too bad, but it is still frustrating. I was indulging in something that has been detrimental to my overall health and energy levels....I have since stopped. But I am still dealing with the fear....which I know is just a fear of the unknown, but it paralyzes my mind, makes it harder for me to think clearly, to take action.....but I will push through it....or just use mind aikido on it, which to me means, working with it. Using it to move forward. My diet is no longer 100% raw, but it is high raw. Once you have done this long enough, it is the new norm, and cooked foods slowly drop away. There are many foods now that I used to eat that I just can no longer eat. I eat meat rarely now, and hope to stop completely. I don't remember what it was that prompted me to get this book from the library, but I checked out and read the book by Howard Lyman, who was on the Oprah Winfrey show back a while ago, "Mad Cowboy, Plain Truth From the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat." From what I can tell he is now not just vegetarian, but vegan. And after reading his book, and getting info from many other sources, I find myself more and more inclined to be one as well. Our planet is over populated with humans, but it is more overpopulated with cattle, pigs and even sheep and chickens. But especially with cattle and pigs. And the devastation caused by the raising of cattle alone is doing more harm than almost anything else on the planet. When global warming and carbon dioxide emissions are discussed, you almost never hear that the main contributor of green house gases are cows. If you read his book you will get a real not only are cattle raised in an extremely unhealthy manner, they are consuming most of the grain grown in the world, most arable land is used to grow food for them, food which isn't even healthy for them. Cows are fed a "meal" made from dead animals. It used to be all dead animals including other dead cows, but they took out the cows (supposedly) and now they just eat all other dead animals, cooked down and separated and dried. They also eat a ton of grain and antibiotics. Cows are designed to eat grass, not grain. Grain gives them rectal and vaginal prolapses meaning these body parts fall out of the cow, and have to be pushed back inside and the tear in their flesh that occurs when this happens, needs to be sewn up. And it happens all of the time. There is so much information in his book, and none of it is good. But all of it is true. If you gave a copy of his book to everyone on the planet, many would read it and be appalled and many would throw it away and not read it because they prefer to live in denial, don't care to know, for some it is how they make their livelihood, and they don't want to think about how they are ruining the planet with their greed. He also addresses water issues, pesticide and herbicides, bovine growth hormone, desertification of the planet...I saw in the news today that Oklahoma had a huge, terrible dust storm, which I can only think is caused by overgrazing of cattle on the land. I live near open space, land that is left unused, except ranchers can graze cattle on it. Cattle grazed this land over 2 years ago. It is now a waste land. The only thing growing on it is bindweed. After 2 years, only bindweed. And they have done nothing to restore it. From what else I see happening on it, I fear fracking is coming next. If that happens I don't know what I will do.
So all of that information in his book is more than enough reason to not eat meat, but another reason, is Monsanto and ConAgra etc. The only way to fight back against these giant corporations that are trying to take over our food supply, is to not eat what they produce. Being a vegan is a radical act.
And then there is all of the evidence that meat eating contributes majorly to cancers, heart disease, diabetes, and pretty much every disease that ails us. The cure for all diseases? Stop eating animals and animal products. Meat and milk. Cheese, eggs, butter, etc. Then you will have the best chance of being healthy and not coming down with these diseases. You can workout and get as much physical exercise as you like, but if you keep meat and animal products in your diet you will still get heart disease, cancer, etc.
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