Monday, October 6, 2008


Today was a rawther dull day, but then again, not so. 100% raw today, busy at work, but got through the day feeling pretty good, my cold is finally truly leaving. I do hope I will have energy for kickboxing tomorrow. And I did get an awesome email from my sister about some family ancestry which we always wondered about and now we know more! We have this photo of someone in my dad's family....only knew her name...not how she was related to us. Turns out she is our dad's grandmother...not sure why he didn't know this, and we knew she was probably half native american, but didn't know what tribe or anything like that....

Well, my sister got an email address from my mom of a cousin of our dad...(he died in Feb of this year) and the cousin has more photos and details. Turns out our greatgrandmother is the daughter of a Kickapoo woman who was kidnapped by a fur trader who liked her and married her....they had 9 children one of which was my greatgrandmother. Our grandfather on my dad's side looks just like his grandmother....and the indian face has definitely passed down through the generations as my dad, my other sister and I all have the face of our Kickapoo I am officially 1/16th Kickapoo. Interesting. My sister who has done all of this research takes after my mom's side of the family....... I keep telling her she's adopted. lol

So I am proud of myself today as even though I slept a bit late, didn't get my green smoothie made, I did bring enough food to work that I was able to stay all raw and have energy. I brought 3 apples, 2 bananas, 1 lara bar, a large salad of mixed greens with broccoli, carrot and tomato, and 2 nectarines. Dinner was more mixed greens with some pecans and tomato. I also snacked on another banana and macadamia nuts. Feeling rather hungry at the moment....wish my avocados were ripe!!! Not sure what I will eat....maybe some more nectarines and have some plums to finish. I will eat plums. I bought them, I better eat them.....

Anyone want an onery 16 yr old cat? We adopted him last year from our neighbors as they just didn't know what to do with him, moving to SF and not wanting to bring we took him in.
He's sweet, but has an onery streak...just ask his vet, as with Otis there is no good side to him if you are his vet. Otis instinctively hates the vet. Could be something about being declawed.....that just might do it to you. Anyhoo....lately he has been very mean and agressive with our cat, Desert Sky, who is my heart and soul....and that just won't do. So.....I am going to call the vet to see if they have any idea what might be going on and how to deal with it, and then of course, there are always pet psychics.....and then of course, could just drug the old coot. He can sleep 24/7 instead of 20/7. lol. But seriously, this cat has got to behave. I can't have him acting all mean to my cat...he actually attacks him...starts fights with him. Not good. I am a bit surprised at this as my cat is basically a Siamese....I say basically as he is probably a traditional Balinese.....but if you picture a long haired choc pt Siamese.....that is my beautiful Desert Sky.

think kitty peace
think kitty love
stay healthy, hang on to your money, and buy local
ciao bellas!


  1. What is a 'lara bar'?

    It is so satisfying to get through a day raw, isn't it? I just went 'whole-hog' (couldn't resist being punny) Vegetarian 5 weeks ago, and am about 75% raw. But, have had many great days that I was able to be raw all day!

    Love it so much - feeling so healthy & clean!

  2. Lara bars are made with dates, nuts and come in flavors such as cherry (tastes like cherry pie to me) lime, pistachio, chocolate coconut, and other flavors. Supposed to be raw...find them at health food stores, even large grocery the Clif bars, etc.
    They are good! And good for you, not full of that wierd soy protein which is about as good for you as sawdust.
