Friday, October 17, 2008


I have been lost in the throes of extreme busyness.....and temporarily stepped off of raw, but I was 100% raw yesterday and I expect to continue with raw. The reasons for stopping were my blasted cold, which turned into bronchitis which needed antibiotics to scare it off, as getting enough rest has not been an option and probably wouldn't have been enough although it definitely would have helped. Work has been extremely busy and last weekend was cold, rainy and so I made another lentil soup chock full of veggies and ginger, ate that, and a wonderful yummy veggie corn tamale at the Farmer's Market....oh they make them so wonderfully well!

I mostly ate well while eating cooked food, but I did eat some Annie's cheddar bunnies and cocktail peanuts while at work....I was working full stop for a good week, as it was the last tax deadline of the year, and between clients who drag their feet and accountants who do the same, we had a good number of returns to get out. And they go through 10 people and all end up on my desk. Yes. I. Was. Busy!!! So, still feeling quite tired although my bronchitis seems to be on the run.......hate taking antibiotics but really wouldn't know what to do without them. I can't imagine life before them, people really suffered and little illnesses could lead to fatal complications and death.

So, throughout all this I have been keeping up with green smoothies....and today's is yummy. Parsley, some mixed salad greens and red butter lettuce leaves. 2 bananas and the juice of 3 oranges with a good dollop of olive oil.......oh it is good! And filling.

So....I have been taking 2 Probiotic Advantage pearls each morning, plus 4 B-100 vitamin capsules (the antibiotics use up B vits quite a bit) some Chanca Piedra (4 capsules) and sometimes some Oregon Graperoot capsules. I used to think the Graperoot helped the liver, which it probably does, but it also kills candida...which explains why sometimes when I take them (and I take about 8 caps at a time) I get in this really good mood! Same as I do whenever my candida takes a dive.

So, glad to be glad to be back on raw......while on cooked I just felt bloated, constipated (like it wasn't all coming out, even though I was still having regular bowel movements) and losing that glow. I went back up to 186 pounds but this morning after just 1 day back 100% raw, I am back to 183.5. I will take that.

So........keep your sights set your greens and your veggies.....
and oh yes, the moon, the lovely moon......this full moon felt like it's energies were quite beneficial....I was in wonderful moods, but then I always am whenever I get to gaze upon her beautiful magnificence. (sp)

peace, love and full moon bathing
ciao bellas!

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