I am so excited about tomorrow....as tomorrow Tammy starts a juice feast. She is doing colonics, IV chelation and taking some supplements, but still not feeling all that great, still not able to eat much of anything, still being bothered by what little she does eat, so now, she is willing to try a juice feast. This is what I wanted for her from the get go, to have her on juices and raw foods, but her digestion is so poor and what she can eat so limited, she wasn't ready to start with raw foods, but now, she is willing. Willing to give juice feasting a try. She has had small amounts of juices and done well with them, but now we are going for broke.
She has candida and leaky gut as well so we have to do mostly green juices, which she can sweeten with stevia....and we are going to take it one day at a time. I also ordered some Natural Cellular Defense for her, more Kyo-Chlorella, some sublingual B-12 and some Radiance C powder by Synergy.
Before (or as I was recommending this option to her) I did some research, mainly I called John Rose, who advised the Rainosheks (David & Katrina of JuiceFeasting.com) and is listed on their website as a consultant, and the angels were with me, as he answered the phone himself, and very kindly listened to my story and gave me his support and opinion that juice feasting would be excellent for Tammy, and it was he who recommended the NCD, which I knew about, and agreed would be excellent. He also suggested she use cilantro in her juices as it is good for getting rid of mercury from the body. Oh lovely day!
So Tammy & I sat down after dinner, to discuss juice feasting, what her fears were (doesn't want to lose more weight, have no energy, feel hungry) all of which I assured her would not happen. I also told her we would take it one day at a time, only proceeding if it seemed like it was helping her, while also letting her know what to expect, so as not to let unfamiliar bodily/stomach feelings derail her, or not to give her unrealistic expectations. There are going to be some days when she is tired, etc. but if she does daily enemas, which she already has to do, and rests on those days when she is tired, she will be so happy with her results, I just know she will. And I showed her some info I found about Leaky Gut, and also some before and after raw food and juice feasters....and she is ready. She doesn't know what else to try, and can't deny that people are being healed with raw foods and juices. This is why I am so proud of her. She is a real trooper, never giving up, never giving in, and always willing to try something. Tammy, you are awesome!
And me? I am finishing my first 100% raw day where I feel totally satisfied and good. I think it is because of green smoothies. I made one for the morning with 2 bananas, a ton of parsley and a ton of kale and some grapes,....had two Lara bars for the afternoon (not ideal as Lara Bar has been bought out by a major corporation, General Foods or some such) so I am not even sure they are all raw anymore, but they held me over til dinner which was going to be salad, but the lettuce greens went bad so I just ate an avocado with some cut up tomatoes and Mrs. Dash's spicy seasoning, and some freshly ground mixed peppercorns. It was good and very filling. Now a couple of hours later I am a bit hungry, so I made a smaller green smoothie, same ingredients and am very happy about it all. And yes I did have my E3 Live BrainOn/MSM drink this morning as well as 50 drops of GSE, 8 Primal Defense and 4 Oil of Oregano capsules..of which I am now going to take 4 more. And yeah, I have hardly coughed up any phlegmy gunk at all today. I hate having to do that. YUCK!
And I am so excited, as I am also going to take the NCD (Natural Cellular Defense) and I bought 2 books by Victoria Boutenko....12 Steps to Raw Foods and Green for Life. Can't wait til they arrive.
So ciao bellas!
life is beautiful
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