Sunday, September 28, 2008


I have now been raw for 7 days. Not a record for me....but a good thing. I have a bit of a cold, which is manifesting itself mainly as being tired. No congestion, etc. just tiredness. I did do my kickboxing class yesterday. That was very good. Part of the reason I am a bit tired today. I took it easy a bit, but mostly did everything. Today's food has been a smoothie made with 2 bananas, some grapes, my raw hemp protein powder, and some of my yummy almond milk I made. Then lunch was a yummy mixed greens salad with a mashed avocado, a bit of tomato, some pecans, and a bit of grated parmesiano reggiano cheese. My one nonraw indulgence. But it comprises just a tiny part of what I eat.

Then later I had a bit more mixed greens with pine nuts, cheese and dressing..and dinner was more mixed greens, broccoli, carrot and dressing. Mostly salad today. And more almond milk. I am a bit hungry now, but think it is partly due to my candida stirring from the sweetness of my almond milk. At some point I also had a lovely fresh this year's gala apple, and another banana.

I was going to make some almond hummus, but the day just got too busy. I spent about 1 1/2 hours on the phone with a Dell tech trying to figure out what is wrong with my son's laptop. The result was he is sending us a new harddrive and a new cd drive. Luckily for us there are still 19 days left on the warranty. Will have to renew it....just have to decide for how many years, 1, 2, 3 or 4....not sure.

Got Victoria Boutenko's 12 steps to raw food.....didn't get to read that much of it, but it seems not as helpful as I was thinking....but I am still glad I got I am sure there is some helpful info in there. It's not that I don't get's just....need to go to raw food potlucks, etc. Meet more raw fooders locally. There are such things/people around....but my life is so busy...who has time to add yet another thing to their busy schedules? Shall have to see.....

So, just wanted to post......happy to be all raw still....tomorrow will start with gse etc. and tonight,...just might make that almond hummus or??

Until tomorrow........oh and Angela's website got so many hits after CNN's story about her raw weight loss, the site crashed. She's got something back up....but that is pretty amazing...but then American's...and people everywhere all want/need to lose weight...regain health.

While her story is amazing so are many of my favorite's is Audrey on raw...if you google will find another wonderful inspiring story.

ciao bellas

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