Monday, September 24, 2012

Being a Raw Tigress- Day 2

I am reading a new book "Wheat Belly" about the effects of modern day wheat on people's health and waistlines, apparently wheat has been modified so much it has this substance in it (don't remember if it's a protein or what) but apparently it causes blood sugars to rise even more than sugar, a candy bar, etc. and causes a whole host of other issues.  The author is a doctor and has done his research as well as has improved the lives of hundreds of people by having them remove wheat from their diet.  They lose weight, their irritable bowel, migraines, heart conditions, you name it, they all improve dramatically.

When you eat wheat, it breaks down into polypetides that cross the blood-brain barrier...which is not something that most things can do....and it creates endorphins that hit the same spot in the brain as heroin, and for some, can be a serious addiction.  The same drug that is used to block heroin (naxalone) blocks the effect of wheat in the brain.  Studies have shown that schizophrenic patients do much better when wheat is removed from their diets.  They have fewer hallucinations, hear fewer voices, generally are greatly improved. more wheat for me, and I am planning a wheat free week for my family.  Maybe that will help my son lose those last 10-20 pounds he needs to lose.  He has lost 10, he needs to lose a few more.

I am doing well and feeling well eat 100% raw and my weight is going down daily, I am down 1.5 pounds from just yesterday, which is a new recent low...and hopefully it will go lower.  I would love to lose my "wheat baby", ie pregnant look, which is where all my extra weight goes.  Just the other day, I gave this homeless man some food I had on me (a bag of these cool new natural chips and a container of organic raspberries...)  I was feeling all good about myself, and then he asks me about my baby..when it's due..
I am 57 years old people!  I am not having any more babies!!  I know he didn't mean anything by it but it rather soured the experience for me...however I do hope he enjoyed the food I gave him.

So, yesterday we took a great hike, not quite as strenuous as the last one, but still a good hike, but I was having issues with breathing...I really need to try using an inhaler before I go out, but I am hoping with being 100% raw I don't need one...but my lungs have candida in them and I react strongly to molds, and I think with all the fall decay, there must be more mold in the I had to stop and catch my breath a fair bit...but it felt good to my legs....they need the workout.  I don't usually use an inhaler, haven't been diagnosed with asthma, but I do have dad had it, my sister has it, my son has it.....but mostly mine does not bother me.  That is another thing wheat can cause, exercise induced asthma.  I would like to get my son off of wheat and see if he notices a difference as it really interferes with his kickboxing which he loves, and also makes it difficult for him to run, esp outside.

I did not get any stretching in before bed, and I did not do my miracle morning this morning, I was up too late, and also with yesterday's hike, just really needed that extra hour of sleep...but excuses.  I brought a quart of green smoothie to work, 2 bananas, 2 local org. apples and I have org non-pasteurized almonds in my drawer.  If  I need to I will go out and get a salad.  And tonight I will make my green juice.  Some for tonight and also some for tomorrow.  It's best for me to make it the night before as it takes a bit of time and space that I do not have in the mornings.

I reread yesterday's vision....and am working on the action aspects as well as fleshing it out a bit more.  I see I wrote that  I am a high priestess who honors all goddess/women oriented traditions....Social Empowerment for Women,  I have started a Center for Becoming,  but I don't have any action plans for that....will definitely start working on that...maybe by re-reading the story of Iananna...I love that story.  Will also have to figure out what a Center for Becoming is all about.  Such fun adventures ahead!!

Ciao bellas for now!

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