Yesterday was a good day, until the late evening. Except, nope, it wasn't. I had my quart of romaine juice for breakfast, went out and took a nice long walk, came back and finished off my pizza (too good to waste and no one else would have eaten it). Then later I had my green green juice, and was fine....until I had a fuss with someone who shall remain nameless, at bedtime. I decided I was not tired so did not go to bed. I came downstairs and was reading....then I realized (thought) I was hungry. I had 2 small bowls of chocolate cheerios with milk and stevia. I also ate some cake crumbs out of the pan.....about 3/4 of a cups worth. So again, a very mixed day. I woke up feeling the effects of the sugar.......why do I do this??? Was sluggish and grumpy and not at all wanting to go for a walk but it is another gorgeous day here in paradise, and I knew I needed it. That I would feel better. So the nameless one and I went for a great walk, about 5 miles....and after a mile or maybe it took two, I started feeling better. Breakfast was......hmmm oh yeah, my quart of grapefruit juice, I hadn't drank it yet. Then the walk.....on the walk I munched on a tiny apple that was growing wild along the trail....there were larger ones which I would have loved to have eaten, but they were high up on the trees. I also ate about 5 wild dark purple grapes...sour but not too, with large seeds....very tasty and being the perverse oddity that I am, I crunched and ate the seeds as well. Went food shopping on the way home, had a banana, then at home I made some almond milk. It is good but I have decided I will not sweeten it with stevia again. I like stevia, more than most.....but I don't like the aftertaste of it in the almond milk. It's still good, but I like sweetening it with dates or maple syrup more. So one quart has 2 tablespoons of maple syrup in it, along with some coconut butter, a tablespoon of vanilla and 1/4 tsp of almond extract. yum. the other quart is the same, but it has only 1 tbsp of maple syrup (added later to try and change the flavor) and one dropperful of stevia. I drank some of each...........about 16 ounces total... then made some guacamole with 1.5 avocados, some small orange tomatoes, some poblano pepper and some lime juice. Oh and! I made something yummy with my almond pulp. I added oil to it, and salt and pepper..and voila....mashed potatoes. That is what it tastes like to me. I was thinking of using olive oil, but I put a bit in my hand for a taste, and it sort of bites the back of my throat. I didn't want to use I used the rest of my coconut oil (which is not the same as coconut butter), and a bit of sunflower oil. Salt. Pepper. Yum. Now I need to get some mushrooms and marinate them to have with this. Would be good with some chives too. May chop up some more poblano and put in....can put in lots of things. So I had a bit of that earlier, with some of the aforementioned orange tomatoes....then later, I had the guacamole. Trying to stay 100% raw today. No reason why I shouldn't. Later I will have either a salad, a green smoothie or some type of juice. I got some grapefruit today that have skins that are more orange than any I have seen. My last grapefruit were not what I was expecting, I should have known considering that store always has these kind, but on the outside they looked like pink grapefruit, and I swear the sign said they were, but they were not pink and they had very thick skins, pith. I ran them through my juicer, with lots of the pith on them and of course they were good, but I was wanting pink grapefruit juice. Hopefully these ones will be pink inside. To bounce back to the guacamole I ate it with some flax crackers I had made a while ago....can't even remember how long ago. Love it that they keep so well.
Ate another banana.........had a bit of mixed greens with salad dressing for dinner....not a raw dressing but good for now....tasted the cooked dinner I made my family.....but didn't eat it eat it...did eat a little bit....but it didn't make me crave today is ending on a good note. Definitely 95% or more raw today. Now to take a shower and go to bed.
ciao bellas!
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