Wednesday, September 28, 2011


What is the plan for the rest of my day?  I am feeling tired.....not just kidney issues I realized but my throat is still bothering me...had white spots on it last isn't strep...but it is hanging around in the shadows...more salt water gargling is needed.  Today I have had my green smoothie and my fruit smoothie, and a few almonds...fewer than other days......not sure what I will do this evening......make juice, have a salad or ?  A salad sounds good....with garlic. 

We had a lunch seminar at our office today and I ordered lunch...sandwiches from a good shop....meat and veggie...but I was only slightly tempted....still hanging on to wanting to keep this good raw space.  So I had a bit of spinach salad...may have eaten a few bacon and cheese molecules but avoided them as much as possible without worrying about it too was good but there wasn't much it wasn't much.

Getting reinforcement for creating the life of my dreams......need to spend more time dreaming.....working on keep the good love vibe going for everyone in every matter what.  Yes!  Conscious creation.  Listening to more of the Hicks and also got a great e-book about Conscious Creation...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Food today is a green smoothie and a fruit smoothie.  Watching some more Dan the watching Dan the Man...and got inspired to do a smoothie fast......may or may not do it but I will definitely have them be the majority of what I eat.  Yesterday I had 2 fruit smoothies and 1 green smoothie....a salad...a banana or two...and some raw almonds.  Made my fruit smoothie today with my almond/coconut milk and 2 tbsp of hemp seeds.

Today has been absolutely 100% raw, and a wonderful day as well.  Everything just flowed.  I had my smoothies and a banana and some raw almonds at work.....then another banana after work.  I have stopped going to the gym for a little while...I needed to take a break from was getting boring plus I have been tired again, kidneys again...I swear it must be candida in them....they do get better when I take the Primal Defense, thankfully, as you totally take them for granted until they pain you or don't work properly.  Mine seem to work, they just ache sometimes.....they didn't like my fruit smoothie so much....I took some Primal Defense as I was drinking it, but it didn't kick in until later......ouch.

After work I went to a free meditation class....there is a great store in town that offers free yoga and meditation.  I would like to do a yoga class but I didn't feel ready for one last night, so when I saw they had a meditation class tonight I thought that would be perfect.  It ended right when I needed to pick up the boys from kickboxing...worked out well.  The meditation itself was a bit different but good...I liked the people there esp the ones leading it.  One was a woman close to my age...very nice...definitely will go again.

Came home, made some more almond milk, then made a green smoothie for the boys...a bit strong on the arugula taste so I had to add another banana and a touch of vanilla.  That helped...they both drank it.  Yay!
My dinner so far has just been almond milk...sweetened with a bit of yacon syrup, and then a tiny bit of stevia.  The yacon didn't sweeten it as much as I like, but I didn't want to add more as it's expensive, so I added just a few drops of stevia instead of an entire's good....but I am wanting something more.  More banana?  More salad?  Not sure....just a bit of something else.

I listened to a bit of a Jerry & Esther Hicks book on tape while at work....he was reading was interesting and seemed to contribute to the natural flow of my evening.  I don't have it on my computer here at home or I'd listen to a bit more of it.  But I think it's just as well not to.  So a good day..  I look forward to having many more.

Here is something that I posted earlier today over on the Garden Diet 28 day blog....
I am always here......doing my own thing, keeping quiet when I go off track.....finally back on 95-100% feels so good...why do I ever leave?  I know the answer to that question....I go off track when I hit bumps in the road, when I feel stressed either physically or emotionally...but my steering is getting better, my balance is getting better.  Even if it's not perfect (and I know it's not, will never be...) it's all good. Reading Jinjee's post with today's instructions and her blog excerpt was really helpful.  She has been mostly all raw for the past 17 years, but she still has issues with food sometimes, mentioned how using food to numb herself emotionally was an issue.....and from what I read from everyone who is raw and honest....they do as well.  It is just life.  Things come's not what happens but how we react.....and it feels good to acknowledge this.  To give myself a break.  A long time ago someone saw me very clearly, and told me to ...'go easy on you'.....and I knew what he meant....but doing that...isn't always so easy....but with raw it is so much easier.  Much easier to feel love, love myself, love others, go easy on myself, go easy on others.  I was looking at that today and was a bit appalled at how hostile towards others (and myself) I am's not a sign of how bad I am, but how much more enlightened my thinking has become, and the reason is eating raw food.   I have discovered and have been watching Dan McDonald's videos (the Life Regenerator)....I really like them.  He's not perfect....but he's good and getting better all of the time, and he is real and honest and it's very inspiring to read his blog, watch his videos.  He does things alone, things with his daughters, things with Dave the Raw Trucker...things with alot of people.  I would really love to hear more of Dave the Raw Trucker's story...because he seems to have changed so much....has gotten to such an amazing wonderful place in his life with raw foods....I can never get enough of people's stories.........want their story to be my story.  Working on that.

After having been on a cooked food saga, and now back on's amazing how much better I feel.  I was feeling grumpy and unfriendly and bleah, depressed......and back on raw, I see myself feeling better and happier everyday and I ask myself how can I not stay raw....and again...the answer is obvious....but I hope that the next time a bump in the road comes up, I just hold my breath and steer through it....and stay raw.  Even if that means eating only fruit smoothies and raw desserts.  Stay raw.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Today was another successful raw day.  Not 100% but 95 or higher.  I had a green smoothie for breakfast, some raw almonds for snack, a banana or two, some raw almond butter straight off the fork, a fruit smoothie made with banana, kiwi, orange and my almond milk.....then I got a salad of mixed greens that had some sliced hard boiled egg on it (like 3 slices), and some grated cheddar cheese and came with a bleu cheese dressing.....the not so raw part, but other than that and a few altoids I was 100% raw.  Dinner tonight was another fruit smoothie...same as earlier....and that was enough.  I will be going to bed soon......and need no more food.  I also took some chanca piedra today and 6 Primal Defense tablets.....after drinking the raw smoothie for dinner I felt very tired and lay down and slept for about an hour.  I was worried that the fruit was going to be an issue for my body, and was wondering if that is why I was feeling so tired....but this was more of a detox kind of tired....and while I lay mostly asleep I could feel things relaxing and letting go in my body, could feel passages open up and head and down my it was good.  When I went out to pick up my son from his kick boxing dojo I left a bit early and made a stop at the local store that need not be named....I was wanting more bananas, kiwi and some strawberries, and was happy to see they had some decent heads of romaine also, so I got 2 of those, and some avocadoes.....and found yacon syrup.  I have been wanting to try it since I cannot do concentrated sugars has a mild molasses like flavor....will use it in my next batch of almond milk which I will make tomorrow.  I was going to make green juices for tomorrow....but am still feeling tired....will make those maybe tomorrow night and just do smoothies again in the morning.  All in all it was a good day.  So happy that I am staying raw and staying away from bread.  Will work on the salad part...except it's one of my favorites and they sell it for a very good price....can easily skip the grated cheese....often take it out....but I like the boiled egg.  And the bleu cheese dressing.  sigh.  But no worries......all in good time....

time to go up to bed and read.....kitty has to come up too.....he likes it sometimes.....wondering how much reading I will be able to do before I fall asleep....not enough....

bon soir et bons reves
ciao bellas!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Yesterday was a good day, until the late evening.  Except, nope, it wasn't.  I had my quart of romaine juice for breakfast, went out and took a nice long walk, came back and finished off my pizza (too good to waste and no one else would have eaten it).  Then later I had my green green juice, and was fine....until I had a fuss with someone who shall remain nameless, at bedtime.  I decided I was not tired so did not go to bed.  I came downstairs and was reading....then I realized (thought) I was hungry.  I had 2 small bowls of chocolate cheerios with milk and stevia.  I also ate some cake crumbs out of the pan.....about 3/4 of a cups worth.  So again, a very mixed day.  I woke up feeling the effects of the sugar.......why do I do this???  Was sluggish and grumpy and not at all wanting to go for a walk but it is another gorgeous day here in paradise, and I knew I needed it.  That I would feel better.  So the nameless one and I went for a great walk, about 5 miles....and after a mile or maybe it took two, I started feeling better.  Breakfast was......hmmm oh yeah, my quart of grapefruit juice, I hadn't drank it yet.  Then the walk.....on the walk I munched on a tiny apple that was growing wild along the trail....there were larger ones which I would have loved to have eaten, but they were high up on the trees.  I also ate about 5 wild dark purple grapes...sour but not too, with large seeds....very tasty and being the perverse oddity that I am, I crunched and ate the seeds as well. Went food shopping on the way home, had a banana, then at home I made some almond milk.  It is good but I have decided I will not sweeten it with stevia again.  I like stevia, more than most.....but I don't like the aftertaste of it in the almond milk.  It's still good, but I like sweetening it with dates or maple syrup more.  So one quart has 2 tablespoons of maple syrup in it, along with some coconut butter, a tablespoon of vanilla and 1/4 tsp of almond extract.  yum.  the other quart is the same, but it has only 1 tbsp of maple syrup (added later to try and change the flavor) and one dropperful of stevia.  I drank some of each...........about 16 ounces total...  then made some guacamole with 1.5 avocados, some small orange tomatoes, some poblano pepper and some lime juice.  Oh and!  I made something yummy with my almond pulp.  I added oil to it, and salt and pepper..and voila....mashed potatoes.  That is what it tastes like to me.  I was thinking of using olive oil, but I put a bit in my hand for a taste, and it sort of bites the back of my throat.  I didn't want to use I used the rest of my coconut oil (which is not the same as coconut butter), and a bit of sunflower oil.  Salt.  Pepper.  Yum.  Now I need to get some mushrooms and marinate them to have with this.  Would be good with some chives too.  May chop up some more poblano and put in....can put in lots of things.  So I had a bit of that earlier, with some of the aforementioned orange tomatoes....then later, I had the guacamole.  Trying to stay 100% raw today.  No reason why I shouldn't.  Later I will have either a salad, a green smoothie or some type of juice.  I got some grapefruit today that have skins that are more orange than any I have seen.  My last grapefruit were not what I was expecting, I should have known considering that store always has these kind, but on the outside they looked like pink grapefruit, and I swear the sign said they were, but they were not pink and they had very thick skins, pith.  I ran them through my juicer, with lots of the pith on them and of course they were good, but I was wanting pink grapefruit juice.  Hopefully these ones will be pink inside.  To bounce back to the guacamole I ate it with some flax crackers I had made a while ago....can't even remember how long ago.  Love it that they keep so well.
Ate another banana.........had a bit of mixed greens with salad dressing for dinner....not a raw dressing but good for now....tasted the cooked dinner I made my family.....but didn't eat it eat it...did eat a little bit....but it didn't make me crave today is ending on a good note.  Definitely 95% or more raw today.  Now to take a shower and go to bed.
ciao bellas!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Yesterday my main goal was to not have any sugar....which I did not.  I had a green smoothie for breakfast, and nibbled on some almonds, then later around 3pm I had some wild salmon was very good, felt very good to my body.  In the evening I made a pizza and ate half of it.  Made the crust from scratch, had mushrooms, poblano peppers, juan flamme tomatoes from our garden and some onion on it.  It was very tasty but today I feel a bit bleah and have too much phlegm.  The plague of my existance. (One of them anyways...) I got up and made 3 quarts of juice.  1 is grapefruit with a bit of orange, 1 is straight romaine, which I just finished (my fave!) and the 3rd is all green with a full bunch of parsley, 1 cucumber, 1 kale leaf, some romaine, some celery....a bit strong but good.  so I have had the romaine juice (and now I really need to go pee.....again!)  Ah, much better.   Feeling tired today.  And my tongue has a funny coating/taste on it.....not sure what is up with's goal is to be 100% raw.  I was going to say, to have no bread, but that is the main thing that keeps me from being 100% raw.  I have my juice, we have some yummy fuji apples, some nicely ripe bananas, some kiwi, good salad greens, avocado, tomato, kale....almonds.  I should soak some almonds for almond milk.  ok...I will do that.  right now.

Watching some Dan McDonald (the Life Regenerator) videos...Dave the Raw trucker on there, this guy Bill, and from another source, watched a video of Sunny Griffin, ex-super model who is 70 yrs old and looking great.  So got my dose of inspiration.  It's a beautiful day....time to soak some almonds and get in a bit of sun bathing.

Will let you know how wonderfully raw my day is.......update later......also going to take a lovely walk.

Friday, September 23, 2011


I cannot believe that September is 2/3's over and this is only my 4th blog post.  But as you know, I got off track.  I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep, feeling eh....and realizing I really need to stop the sugar.  Just quit.  It is like I am sticking pins into my self....doing bad voo doo to is worse than I realize.  Today I had a banana, some almonds, a green smoothie, an apple, some cheetos mix (had doritos, cheetos, pretzels...ugh) a cheese sandwich, a bowl of dark choc granola with milk, a piece of pumpkin pie my son made, a piece of sourdough bread toasted with butter, some cooked potatoes.  so a real mix.  You can see that the intent is there, but the follow through is totally lacking.  I realized I have been stressing out because my mil and her husband are coming.......and I feel like our house is a bit of a mess...and it is a big house, and I hate to clean (though I will) and there are things we need to get done that we haven't done.  I need to call the carpet cleaning people and get the carpets cleaned........they are full of stove/oven is a mess......I was wanting to be a raw goddess looking and feeling great when they got here........I still have time...but it is a kind of pressure I am putting on myself, the kind I always fail at.   I can rise to challenges.....but not this kind.
But I am starting over.  I am going to think.  About it all.  And relax....and make good choices...and cut out the sugar completely.  I didn't mention that I also had 3 tootsie roll pops today.  cherry ones.  yeah.  I know.
I have almost 2 weeks to feel better, to do better...I look ok, don't look super haggard or anything but I still don't have the calm, glow and joy of eating a better diet.  I also am doing this for my next birthday...that was the initial thought that started this all...and I do so want to be a better self by then.  Lose the weight, the bad habits, gain clarity and joy.  Sugar makes me think all kinds of negative depressed thoughts....keeps me from connecting with sister called me...I haven't called her back.....I haven't called my mom in weeks, so.....This is almost 1/6th over...meaning I have 5 blocks of 7 weeks to go.....or 35 weeks.  7 weeks is 49 days.  Alot can happen in 49 days.  It is now 1:30am I should get back to bed....when I got up I had yukky poo....stinky and is to happy thoughts, eating good food, getting things done.
I will be back tomorrow.  Also, I didn't go to the gym or do anything outside all week......that has got to change...the weather has been gorgeous.

ciao bellas!  bon soir et bons reves!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


We have alot of tomato plants in our garden....20 to be exact....luckily for us they didn't produce prodigious amounts of tomatoes...we would have been overwhelmed.  As it is, I went out yesterday and brought in at least 10 lbs of tomatoes..maybe more...most of them are decent but a rather bland....(luckily some of them have really great flavor)...I took most of the large blander ones and blanched them to get their skins off, then cored them...I was looking in my cookbooks for tomato sauce recipes..found a really good sounding one in The New Vegetarian Epicure by Anna Thomas....but I didn't fancy spending all that time with bubbling sauce and didn't really want to cook the tomatoes I squeezed the juice out by squeezing all of the tomatoes up as much as I could with my hands, then put them in the inner plastic bowl of my salad spinner as it has little horizontal spaces that the juice could go through but not most of the pulp....then strained that through a mesh strainer to get out all of the seeds...and put the remaining tomato pulp in with the tomatillos from my garden that I had cooked up earlier with some onion, and jalapeno.  So...that is going to be used to make enchiladas for the family tomorrow...and I got three quarts of very good tasting tomato juice.

This morning I made a yummy banana bread cake....using 7 ripe bananas, a box of chocolate almond granola, sunflower oil, rice milk...quite good.  I had 2 oranges for breakfast, cake and ice cream (a very yummy organic vanilla ice cream) for lunch, and to make up a bit, only tomato juice for dinner.  Oh and I also had a green smoothie.  My husband made this literally killer smoothie with tons seriously tons of kale in it...I can take most things but this was too strong for me, so I added a peach and a banana to it, then I could drink it.  He had fruit with his also...but not enough to balance out that kale.

After making the cake, dealing with the tomatoes and running around town, I then cooked some chicken for the family, and made a cheesecake.  I had made one for my 17 yr olds birthday....put alot of lemon zest and juice in it....made it with coconut was soooo good..........had to make another.

So.....yes.  That was my day.  Oops until my bedtime snack.  I ate a cold hamburger with catsup & mustard.  Hey!  I was hungry!

ciao bellas!

Was down 1.5 lbs today when I got up around 10 am.

Curious to see what tomorrow will be.....

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I still have not made it back to 100% raw.  Lack of sleep, bit of a cold, dinner out with friends....and need I say it...I like cooked food.  But I am staying very high raw....with little variations.  Today I had a quart of fresh made grapefruit juice, then Chipotle for was just a very small amount of rice (like 2 tbsp), pinto beans, fresh salsa, hot salsa, corn salsa, guacamole and lettuce.  I get it in the tortilla but I never eat the tortilla....don't know why I don't get it in a bowl.....just don't.  Did eat some chips also.  And I have 2 new lovely cookbooks which I added to my by Sophie Dahl, granddaughter of Roald Dahl who wrote many fun books, called "Miss Dahl's Voluptuous Delights...lots of great recipes in there...and then  I also bought "The New Mediterranean Diet Cookbook"...also excellent.

Today has been a wonderful sky and cool temperatures (in the 70's as opposed to the 90's) very nice change of pace....very much looking forward to enjoying the next few days.  We went to the Farmers Market, got some more peaches, some kale, basil, cucumbers and sweet corn.  Which shall be cooked just enough to heat it through, but not cook it much. 2-3 minutes tops.  Also getting lots of lovely tomatoes out of the garden.

After the Farmers Market we took a walk along the creek, circled back to town and walked downtown a favorite walk.  We also stopped at the library, I had a book on hold..Herbert Shelton;s 'Fasting Can Save Your Life'.  Looking forward to reading that.  Also got another yoga dvd...this one by Rodney Yee.  I have yet to actually do any of it....but I am getting there.....I also bought a lovely tie dyed shirt and a skirt but I think I will exchange the skirt for another shirt...and got a long sleeved tie dyed onesie for my nephews new little girl.

Then we did a bit of food shopping, came home...chased the boys off of their them to the movies!!  But at least they are out of the house.  Now to go pick more tomatoes, prop up the plants which are totally falling over and read Dr. Shelton's book.

And eat some red grapes.  yum. The other day I ate an entire container of champagne my they are so good!

ciao bellas!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Okay.....back to will be 100% raw.  Yesterday and previous days have not been.....for various reasons....oh whatever...really don't need to get into it....the moment is now.  Today I have had lots of water...contemplated doing a water fast today, but I have all of these fruits and veggies that I need to eat up.  Water until 10:40 am and now I am eating raspberries. yum.

Working this program of transformation....I am letting go of judgemental, negative, impatient thoughts....when I am driving...I focus on being happy, enjoying the weather, the view, enjoying just being, and let go of impatience and annoyance.....telling myself I have plenty of time, there is nothing to be gained in negativity and it is so much nicer to stay in a good space.  I had gotten into way too much negativity, esp while driving, but working on this has made me realize what a habit I have of being negative.  wow.  So working on keeping a happy positive state of mind all of the time, about all things, even when things are challenging.  Great stuff!

I am going to the library today to check out yet another book (which is on cd so I can download and listen to it) yay!  This one is ...Peak: How Great Companies Get Their Mojo from Maslow by Chip Conley

I found it on the en'theos website..Brian Johnson's website...he is the one behind The Philospher's Notes....may have blogged about this already...very excited to get his course.  And now, I will use the day doing his or his wife's course.

ciao bellas