Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I am doing well on this juice feast, but I had a cheat today, 2 frozen fruit bars, 1 coconut and 1 mango.....and they were not raw or juicy. But it was a beautiful warm sunny day, and I have a sneaky side that talks me into these things....oh so easily do I pursuade myself it's ok even when I know it's not. I have to have a talk with myself.....ask myself what it is I truly want? And then , just do it. I know what I want.....I want to be a beautiful juicy raw goddess......and I am....but I have to have a talk with that self that is not with the program....that doesn't like change, even when it's change for the better.......that deep inside of me self.......that needs to relax and let go.

Other than that, I am doing well. Making my juices, drinking them, feeling good....had a nice poo this evening....my colon is smiling......so.....the impact of my cheat was minor in some ways, and I intend to be 100% raw juicy juice from now on.........as I want the full benefits of this juice feast.

Ciao bellas.......and must say.......it's so nice to have a forward thinking, intelligent, great president for a change.

One I can look at and listen to. And smile even.


  1. Hi Alessandra
    My apologies for the late reply to your question about whether or not I am a Gemini.

    Nope - Libra. I don't pay much attention to that sort of thing, though I know it's important to many.

    Just keep juicing girl. You can do it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amen on the forward thinking president!

    Since you talk yourself into 'cheats' sometimes, I was wondering if you could make frozen fruit bars out of raw juices? Then it wouldn't be such a cheat. I'm thinking of doing that for this summer. Just not sure how well the raw juice will hold up in the freezer and for how long.
