Wednesday, November 5, 2008

~~~!!!OBAMANOS!!! ~~~

What else can I say? So.....juice fast is turning out to be only a half fast....will try again today. Good news is weight is down 2.5 pounds and while that is a key goal, it's not really my main focus. Or rather it should not be. I need to focus on eating healthily....which for the most part I do, but I have come to realize through the insights of others as well as my own, that it is the bouncing around, the yo-yoing with what and how I eat, that is truly not good. It causes damage. And I am at the age where damage control, damage reversal, is what is needed. Overall I look good, however I know the truth. I am not actually all that strong.....and need to be wise in my choices if I want my good health fortune to continue for the next 30-40 years, which I do.

So.......juice and spirulina today! And if I need more, it will be raw. Not like yesterday which was too perfidious to even mention. I know that is probably not the best use of that word....but it is such a great word. Perfidious.

I colored my hair today, I usually go for red with blond's color is more of a chestnut....with the's highlighting as I type....will see how it looks. I naturally have little gray, mostly at the temples, and my natural color is more of a chestnut auburnish brown, but after the most recent coloring which ended up being much blonder than I have ever been before, it is a bit of a shock to look in the mirror and see the darker chestnut color........quick, get the highlighter!! lol

My most favorite online thing today was on They had a 5 minute YouTube video of people celebrating in front of the White House. Yeah! Wouldn't it be so awesome if we could just throw the bums out immediately?!!?!?!!!

Ay thinking about them almost made me say some bad words.......but I am all nice and gracious now...wouldn't want to ruin it first day out. But they won't be missed and truly belong behind bars. They are criminals, thieves, liars, murderers.........they are.

And on that note I say Obamanos!!! Who is not perfect, but as he said, it is we who have accomplished this, and we are responsible for keeping him accountable, for working for the change we seek. And as the famous one starts with ourselves.

Have a glorious wonderful peaceful awesome day!
ciao bellas

peace love & happiness


And I guess I should be happy that gas was $2.29 when I filled up my tank last night but my honest response was WTF???!!!

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